Enemy Lines

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Part 5 is here! I worked really hard at trying to make this as classic of a Mikaelson reunion as possible. Lots of jabs, bickering and heated arguments, especially between Kol and Rebekah (😂) cause it wouldn't be a Mikaelson reunion without Kol getting yelled at by Rebekah seconds after hugging each other. Things are about to go down! I hope you enjoy!

Xoxo Rose


After 10 excruciating hours of driving, Rebekah finally pulled up into the back of the Abattoir

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After 10 excruciating hours of driving, Rebekah finally pulled up into the back of the Abattoir. The compound. The Mikaelson abode. The place that continued to stand tall, despite all of the wars that had occurred inside of it.

She reached over to give Hope a gentle shake to wake her.

"Wake up, love. We're here." Hope felt like she was still in a dream when she sat up and opened her eyes, trying to adjust to the morning light.

"This is it?" Hope asked in amazement as she stared up at the large building, observing all of the balconies and windows and vines that grew up it's walls.

"This is it." Rebekah smiled as she got out of the car and stretched.

"Bloody hell, that was a long drive." Rebekah yawned as she stretched her arms above her head. Hope traveled to the back seat to grab her duffel bag full of clothing and grabbed Rebekah's as well.

"Are you nervous?" Rebekah asked as she took her bag and placed her arm around Hope's back.

"A little. Who's all here?" Hope asked, concerned and anxiety ridden.

"Oh, there's no telling. Elijah, Freya and Keelin, of course. I'm sure Kol and Davina will be here for the dinner." Rebekah explained as they walked up to the giant double door. Hope turned her neck quickly at Rebekah.

"The dinner?" Hope questioned. Rebekah noticed that didn't seem quite excited about it. Rightfully so.

"Elijah thought it would be nice for all of us to sit down and have our first dinner as a family." Rebekah explained nervously as she observed Hope's stressed expression.

"And then what? Reminisce? Talk about old times but ignore the fact that my sperm doner isn't apart of this happy family dinner? What am I supposed to talk about? How I'm super happy and perfect and life is just dealing me the best cards ever?" Hope complained. Rebekah gave her a saddened look, even though she was quite annoyed by her negativity. Though, she knew the poor girl couldn't help it.

"Hope, let's just say hello to everyone first before we get into any heated arguments, okay? Once that's finished, I'll show you your room and you can rest. Deal?" Rebekah opened the doors to the Abattoir and they both walked in slowly, resting their bags at their feet. Rebekah took Hope's hand in hers.

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