One Last Look

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Everything had always come so easily to Hope

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Everything had always come so easily to Hope. Rebekah almost envied her in a way, but mostly, she was enamored by her resilience. She never found herself picking the child up off her feet, Hope would do it herself. Anytime she was challenged by something, she would strategize, problem solve, then tackle it, whatever it may be.

For her 6th birthday, Rebekah had gotten Hope a shiny, candy apple red bike complete with white trim and white streamers, and a little white basket and bell. The little girl's eyes lit up and begged Rebekah immediately to take her outside and ride it. It was December in Georgia, so it wasn't freezing, but it was rather brisk, nonetheless. Rebekah helped Hope put on all her protective gear, a helmet, elbow pads and knee pads, along with some gloves so her little fingers didn't freeze. The minute Hope got on the bike, she slumped her shoulders down and her face was no longer in a state of happiness. Rebekah's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she looked on at her.

"Mama, my feet can't reach the pedals." Hope spoke with disappointment in her voice as her bottom lip curled. Rebekah took one look at the little girls face and felt instant regret for not even thinking twice about the size of the bike she had bought her. She thought it was small enough, but guessed wrong. Her first parent fail. She walked over to the little girl, looking down at her sullen face.

"I'm sorry, angel. Why don't we take it back and you can pick out one that's your size?" Rebekah apologized as she stroked the girl's cold and rosy cheek with the back of her hand. Hope inhaled deeply and then exhaled as she pursed her lips together.

"No... it's okay, Mama. I like this bike, I don't want to take it back. I guess I need to grow a little bit more. I can just ride my old bike for now." She hopped off of it and walked inside, feeling slightly defeated.

Hope was determined from that day forward, to one day ride that red bicycle. Everyday when she would get home from school, the first thing she did was throw her backpack to the ground and run to her backyard and sit on the seat of the bike, stretching her legs downward and pointing her toes to the pedals with all her might, but to no such avail. She did this every single day for months until one day she was finally successful.

Rebekah had never seen such determination in a 6 year old. She barely even had to teach her how to ride with the training wheels, which was something she had always wanted to experience. It was a milestone in childhood, but also for parenthood. She watched her hop on and push her body forward to get the bike going. Rebekah gave her a small push and off she went. Just weeks later, the training wheels were off and Hope was challenged again. She lost control a few times and fell over on her side, scratching up her legs, but not letting it bother her. Rebekah watched on, still wanting to help, but Hope not letting her.

"Sweetheart, if you're going to crash, please try to direct yourself to the grass. It will hurt less." Rebekah spoke as she rested a nervous hand to her stressed face, almost trying to cover her eyes, that were anxiously waiting for another fall out.

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