Chapter Nine

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I approached the door to Mr Corelli's house. A large number twenty-two was situated in the centre of the ivory door. I knocked lightly on it, and stood silently. The wind floating softly, lightly shaking the leaves. A man opened the door after a short while. He was tall, with brown thick hair, and shockingly youthful, about twenty four. He had a small amount of facial hair, and cold colourless eyes. "Ella James," he spoke with a soft Welsh accent, "you've grown since I last saw you." 

"Mr Corelli?" I asked politely.

"Yes, come on in. We have much to discuss." I followed him through the hallway and into a wide living room with two large sofas. He sat on one and gestured for me to sit on the other. "Now, what did you say about your father telling you to contact me?" I ran through the weekend, including the powers and the book. "Do you have this book with you?" I withdrew it from my pocket, and passed it across to him. He flicked through the pages, glancing for a short while at each section. He closed the book and looked up, staring directly into my eyes. "So, you understand you're the Princess of Air, yes?"

"Yes, I do." I just didn't know what that was.

"But you don't know what that means. Correct?"


"That's why you are here?"

"I guess so."

"In the absence of your father, you will have to be my apprentice." He looked me up and down.

"Apprentice? Am I being like, trained?" This was quickly becoming some sort of child spy crap.

"Yes. You don't have long either. We've all been waiting for you."

"Wait, what? Why me?"

"You're a direct descendant of Marut." The brother born of air.

"I thought everyone who had these powers were?"

"No. We're descendants of those with powers. You are a direct descendant of the King of Air."

"Holy shit."

"That's hardly a good manner for a princess to speak." He retorted.

"Sorry Sir." I looked down petrified of his steely gaze.

"That's better. Now, lets get to work." He waved his hand signing for me to get up. He looked me up and down slowly. "You need more muscle little one. You're built like your mother."

"Why? Surely I'll just be using my powers?"

"How do you expect to be able to withstand the forces of both your powers, and others?" He challenged.

"Point taken." I said clenching my teeth.

"Perhaps you should just listen to me. I know what I'm doing."

"Sorry, I understand." Obviously he wasn't one for making friends.

"Right, every morning, you must wake up at six. You must run for half an hour, then return home. You will repeat after school, but that will be an hour. On Tuesday, you will take up yoga for your core strength." He paused for a moment. "Perhaps you should get a gym membership. You will come here every Sunday from eight in the morning until eight at night, and we will work on your powers."

"So I have no time for a life?"

"You'll be breathing after this war if you do as I say. Live your life then." 

"Okay. I understand."

"I shall teach you one basic trick today." I nodded. "It's just a golden orb of power, no need to worry about names. The young ones don't" He twisted his hands in a simple manoeuvre, an a small golden ball appeared between them, increasing in size. "Your turn." I copied as best I could, after three times, I managed to create a small golden blob in the air. "Concentrate your power into it." As I did this, I saw the orb glow, and become more spherical as it expanded more and more I felt the house start to shake around me. My hair flying around my face."Stop." Mr Corelli spoke authoritatively, and I did as he said. 

"Was that okay?" I asked quietly.

"You're quite powerful for a child." He said rubbing the hairs on his chin. "How do you feel?"

"Strange. It's like I'm winded, but I feel so alive." He looked directly at me. "Is that wrong?"

He hesitated, shit, "for you, yes. You should be sleeping on the floor right about now. With that amount of energy you just used, a person of your training wouldn't be able to wake up for days."

"Oh. What does that mean?"

"That you have the potential to win this war." He smiled at me, producing perfectly straight, white teeth. I sat back down. "Do you have any questions?"

"Yes, I have a few." 

He nodded, "I thought as much. Ask away."

"My friend Scarlett, she's experienced changes too."

"Scarlett Hamilton?"

"Yes, how did you know?" 

"Her father is a good friend of mine."

"Well, she can control fire. Is there anyone to help her?" 

"No. She is not one of us, nor has she sworn an alliance." He shook his head.

"She wouldn't hurt anyone. She's my best friend." I said defensively.

"She may resent her father, placing her as an enemy." He was being reasonable. "You cannot tell her of this meeting, or of your strength's. That will jeopardise our standings in this war."

"I promise I won't." 

"The worst betrayals come from those we trust the most." He nodded at me. "That ends our time for today, next week, I'll have more for you to see."

"I have one more question... What's the Princess of Air?"

"You." With that, I rose and left the house, my head spinning with knowledge and fear of who I am.

I walked slowly back home running through this afternoon's events. I was supposed to help win a war I didn't even understand, and I couldn't confide in my best friend, because in a matter of days, we had become mortal enemies. But she didn't know this. I was struggling to come to terms with my new identity. I was a princess, but not the sort of princess that appears in Disney films that I used to dream about being, but one that would lead a war. 

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