Chapter Eight

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I sat silently on my bed, staring down at the book in my hands. The cover was a thick brown leather, with a brown piece of material tied around it. The pages were aged, with a subtle cream colour to them. I moved it around my hands, my fingers on the tie.

What will I uncover?

I'd already learnt that my whole life had been a lie. I wasn't sure how much more I could take. In the past few months, I had been thrown into complete turmoil. Did I need to know the truth really? Did I need answers.

Perhaps I could simply forget about it, and live a normal life?

Don't be silly. I'm royally screwed.

I slowly undid the tie on the front of the book and flipped open the first page. In my father's precise, neat script, was his name - William Alexander James. Below, a picture. My brother Daniel, myself, and our parents. It was strange to see a picture of us all. We looked so happy, full smiles. Like a real family. A small tear filled my eye at the sight of my father, and Danny; they were almost identical, with the exception of Dad's evident wrinkles. I turned the ragged page over, my heart aching and scanned the next page. 

'Ella, my sweet, beautiful Ella.

If you are reading this, it means I have gone.

Things may look bad at the moment, but I promise everything will be okay.

You will experience changes, many I cannot describe.

But Ella, you are special.

You are the Princess of Air. '

What? The princess of air? How could this be happening when a week ago, I had no idea people could possess such powers.

'You're young, I know. 

But now you have a duty.

To your people. 

You will face sights you couldn't even dream about.

Do me proud Ella Marie James.

You could be their last hope.'

I was confused. I have duty. How could I have such a big duty without anyone telling me? What is the Princess of Air? Why me? What did I do to deserve it? I carried on reading, 'Ring Mr Corelli, he will tell you what to do next.' Who's Mr Corelli? An ally of my father perhaps...

I flicked through pages and pages of research that my father had constructed. Weak points, strengths. Alliances. A list of people were brought to my attention, 'Robert Hamilton' Scarlett's father? Next to his name was written 'Fire AllianceSo, Scarlett's Dad had been helping my father? But Scarlett never met her father, he left before she was born... It was our mothers who had met one day at playschool, and that's when we became friends. I had to show her.

"Ella! Dinner!" My mother shouted up the stairs. I rose and descended into the kitchen.

"Who's Mr Corelli?" I asked, picking up a slice of pizza.

"A friend of your fathers. Why?" My mum questioned.

"I have to talk to him. He'll tell me what I need to do." I answered her, looking down at my food. 

"I don't want you to." I looked at her, puzzled. "I can't lose my baby girl as well." Moisture filled her eyes, threatening to spill over. 

"Don't worry, I'll make sure I come back. I just need to understand." I crossed the room to her, and pulled her into a hug. "It will be okay."

My mother pulled away and looked at me, "when did you get so grown up?" She smiled softly at me, and gestured for me to carry on eating. I sat down and finished my meal. "Here's his number sweetie." My mother place a piece of paper down in front of me with eleven digits on. I picked it up, and kissed my mum on the cheek. 

"Thank you. I'll see you soon." I smiled as I left.

"Remember I love you Ella."

"I love you too."

I got into my bedroom and sat with my head leaned against the wall, I took my phone out of my jean pocket. I dialled the number and hovered my finger over the green button. My hands were shaking. If I rang, I'd throw myself into this war. A war I wasn't sure I wanted to be part of. But if I acted like nothing happened, I would never fully understand what I am, and I would be a disappointment to my father.

I pressed it, hearing the phone connect. 

"Hello?" A man with a deep voice answered the phone.

"Hello." I said calmly, nerves creeping up on me.

"Who is this?" He asked.

"Ella." Silence. "Ella James. William James' daughter." I heard him clear his throat.

"I know exactly who you are Miss James, why is it you are ringing me? I've not spoken to your family in a number of years. Not since, the funeral..." 

"I was told to. My father wrote for me to before he died. He said you'd know what to do." I was doubtful, Mr Corelli did not seem to want to converse with me.

"Oh, I see, you best come and see me then." He paused. "Come to my house at three tomorrow, we'll speak more then."

"I don't have your d though sir."

"Your mother does. Don't be late."

"I won't, thank you." The phone cut dead. 

I changed for bed and got under the covers. I'd gained too much information in one day. My quest for finding out who I am only gave me more questions to ask. One thing I knew, I was the Princess of Air. What that meant however, was unknown to me.

I woke late the next morning, and dragged myself out of bed and combed my hair into a ponytail, putting on mascara, leggings and a loose fitting t shirt. I jogged down the stairs and strolled into the kitchen. I searched the top drawer for the address book. I placed it on the table, scanning through C, Mr Cliffton, Miss Clove, Mr Corelli. I jotted down the address, and threw on a hoodie. I locked the door and jogged down to Mr Corelli's house.


Just a filler for the next chapter really! 

Bit boring but oh well!

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