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For thousands of years, legends have been told about the Four Elements. Fire, Water, Air and Earth. Of these elements, four brothers were born, half mortal, half magic. Nuriel born of fire, Varun of water, Admon of earth, and Marut of air. Together, they built the universe.

As they grew, their powers intensified, but as their powers intensified, their jealousy did too. Each brother wanted what the other brother had, in order to be the strongest. This sparked an elemental war, each brother passing his powers on to an individual in any way he can. The direct bloodline had the strongest powers, but the brothers could pass their 'talents' on to whoever they pleased, though they were the only beings able to do this.

After a decade of fighting, the war ceased, and the brothers parted ways as enemies, training their clans to be the strongest warriors, in case of a new war, though this never occured, and, as each brother died, so did the strenghth of the elements. 

- Dedicated to Xx_Lovely_Farrin_xX for my lovely cover!

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