Chapter Ten

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I walked to school Monday morning, I couldn't face seeing Scarlett, knowing I couldn't tell her vital information. I walked quickly up the narrow pathway that ran through the short green grass of the park. I noticed daisy upon daisy laced through the green waves, it was finally spring. The soft sun soaked my skin as I decreased in pace. I weighed up my options.

1. I tell Scarlett - I disappoint my father.

2. I don't tell Scarlett - I make my father proud. 

It's not like she'd know? Once she forms an alliance, I can tell her everything. Until then, we won't discuss the paranormal.

I arrived at school, greeted by Ash. "Morning!" He shouted across the car park. "How are you?" He leant over and gave me a quick hug.

"I'm doing pretty good thank you, yourself?" I asked making conversation.

"Yeah, I'm pretty good..." He kept opening his mouth as if he were to say something.

"You sure you're alright?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"Are we like... You know... Officially together?" He looked down. "Because, I might've, sort've told Alex we were."

I rolled my eyes, "yeah, I guess we are." He leant down and kissed my cheek.

"I'm gonna go see the lads, see you in a bit." He said walking away. I carried on walking in the same direction, heading to the small courtyard Scarlett and I usually met every morning. I took a seat next to the budding rose bush. 

"Excuse me, Miss James," I heard her screech at me, "what was that I just saw?!" 

"What are you going on about?" I put my hands up innocently.

"You and Ash?! Are you... Together?!" She stared at me wide eyed.

"Yeah, we are..." I answered, smiling softly.

"Since when?!"


"Why didn't you tell me?!"

"We weren't sure if it was official, but yeah, Ash and I are now together." I said bluntly. 

"I'm so happy for you!" She threw her arms around me, "you deserve a boyfriend like him after the way Harley treated you last year!" 

"Yep." I know she meant nothing by it, but I hated when anybody brought him up. Last year, I became pretty close with this boy, Harley, and after a few months, we decided to officially get together. It was going well for the first few months, he was sweet, and all of my friends really liked him. But about four months in, he'd make digs at me, the way I looked, how I dressed, how i wasn't 'popular' enough. One night, we went to a party together, I started talking to a group of people in the kitchen, and when I walked into the living room to find him, I found him kissing some girl against the wall in the corner. What made it worse, is that he said he was trying to pull her off of him. 

"Anyway, I'll be seeing you El, gotta hand in my project." With that, she skipped off.

Throughout the day, Ash and I walked past people and were greeted with 'Aw, you're so cute together.' I thought that reaction was for fourteen year old's. Apparently it's acceptable for everyone. I was glad when the bell rang, I'd had had enough attention for a lifetime. I walked out the gates, my hand was caught by Ash, I looked up and he smiled at me, "want a ride?" He asked.

"Yeah, sure." I nodded and hopped into the car.

"I'm sorry for all the attention today." He said starting the engine.

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