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Yuuya sat on the same park bench where Hiyoko and him watched the fireworks all those months ago. Yuuya hadn't seen Hiyoko one-on-one since the New Year, just only at school, mostly in the Infirmary club, so Yuuya was excited when he got a call from her inviting him to this very bench, seemingly out of the blue.

Yuuya is the caught off guard by the sudden quick paced footsteps headed his way. He looked up in surprise to see it was Hiyoko using all of her leg muscles and breathing heavily, but yet not breaking a sweat.

"Y-Yuuya," she panted, stopping in front of him to catch her breath "I'm so sorry I'm slightly late".

Yuuya laughs off her sincerity "Please, don't worry about a few minutes, Mon Amie," Yuuya stands up, taking Hiyoko's hand to help her steady herself "But I am in a bit of a time crunch this evening, so I do apologize for my possible lack of romance".

Hiyoko straightens up, and is shaking slightly "Uhm... HERE!"

She holds out a rectangular, white box with a blue ribbon wrapped around it, tied neatly into a beautiful bow out to Yuuya.

"Oh? What's this?" Yuuya timidly places his hands around the edges of the box as Hiyoko released her grip "Is this a gift for me?"

"Well, yeah," Hiyoko said with sass, smiling widely, hands on her hips.

Yuuya gingerly lifted the lid, revealing several compartments of circular pieces of dark chocolate, all with white frosting smiles drawn onto them.

"Chocolates?" Yuuya was surprised, and his face became flushed.

"Yeah!" Hiyoko, also red in the face, exclaimed "I made them myself... for you... because it's Valentines Day".

Stunned, Yuuya looks up from the box to Hiyoko, mouth agape "Is this... a confession?"

Her eyes go wide and her body becomes stiff at his sudden bluntness "Uh, I-I guess. Yes, yes it is".

Yuuya is left speechless, darting his gaze back and forth from Hiyoko to the chocolates.

Hiyoko then cut the silence "I actually made them myself, but I'm not really a good chef, so I apologize if they're not any good!" she clasped her hands together to beg for forgiveness.

"Hiyoko," Yuuya muttered.

Hiyoko looked up and, without warning, Yuuya pulled her into a deep embrace, and their lips collide into one another. Hiyoko, caught off guard, was slow to realize what was going on, but she softened. Closing her eyes, she gave in to the passionate kiss warming her lips, never wanting it to end.

Under the full moon, high in the sky, the two love birds slowly part, yet still standing in front of one another. The two breathe slightly heavy, and Yuuya rested his forehead onto Hiyoko's and they both stand in the calmed, night silence for a short while.

Yuuya then snapped back into his right mind, inching his head away from hers with a jerk "Oh no, I'm so sorry about that!"

Hiyoko, still a bit flush, muttered in a dumbfounded way "Why are you apologizing?"

"Because!" Yuuya backed away, face redder than a cherry, covering his mouth with his hand and avoiding eye contact "Because it was so forward and selfish of me to steal a kiss from a lady who didn't expect it! It was very uncool of me".

Hiyoko started to giggle "Oh, I didn't mind. Not one bit, Yuuya".

Yuuya couldn't help by silently fawn over her bright, red face, which made him smile as well.

With a sigh Yuuya composed himself, facing Hiyoko head on "My apologies once again, but I'm suddenly feeling a bit under the weather. Why don't we both go our separate ways for the rest of the night, Mon Amie?"

Hiyoko nodded in agreement and skipped off in the direction she initially came from.

Yuuya, watching her leave, lifted the box of chocolates and tightly held them to his chest, and he could feel his heart beating abnormally fast.

Crushed (Part 1) [Hatoful Boyfriend: Yuuya x Hiyoko]Where stories live. Discover now