Brothers At Last

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Yuuya found his way to the front of the Campus, seeing Ambulances, police cars and fire trucks along the loop. Students, teachers and staff were all being treated and helped after a very trying time they had all just went through. It was all so heart breaking, and Yuuya couldn't help but sleep through the whole thing, but his moment of self pity was short lived when he heard a sudden shout just to his right.

"Sakazaki- Yuuya!?" Sakuya stepped close to him, looking on in disbelief.

Yuuya smiled at him as he held onto his stomach wound, being reminded of when he and his brother last saw one another "Sakuya, it's good to actually see you again".

"Stop that this instant!" Sakuya shouted "You made me think you were dead, and now you saunter out here like nothing had even happened at all?"

"My apologies, brother," Yuuya did a small bow "but I'm afraid that you're going to have to deal with me just a little longer, I'm afraid".

Yuuya, trying to be cool and collected, suddenly noticing that Sakuya's eyes were red and juicy. Yuuya's expression softened, gulping at the sight. Sakuya rushed over, giving Yuuya a large, brotherly hug, and sniffing into his white t-shirt.

Yuuya was surprised to say the least, but he didn't dare joke about Sakuya's sudden affection. Yuuya promply hugged tightly back, embracing the brother that he had always loved so dearly.


Yuuya and Sakuya were sitting at a picnic table at the front of the school, discussing everything eachother wanted to know.

"There's an experiment happening as of now involving Tosaka," Sakuya lead with.

Yuuya was intruged "What are you talking about?"

"It'll take a few days to assure it's success, but if it does, Miss Hiyoko Tosaka should be alive and well again in about a year or so".

Yuuya couldn't believe his ears "What? H-how is that even possible? I- she...".

"Please don't think about it too harshly," Sakuya tried to not look like he cared too much— he wasn't going to change his attitude overnight, afterall "A bunch of crazy stuff happened down there, and Kawara I'm afraid might not return until a year has passed either".

"This is...," Yuuya tripped over his words, letting out a chuckle inbetween pauses "it'd be a dream come true if she came back, but-"

"I understand that it might be hard, considering the circumstances when you last saw her."

Yuuya exhaled, nervously rubbing his hands on his legs "Alright, I suppose I should wait before I think so much about this".

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned it until the experiment was over," Sakuya's shoulders slumped.

"No, it's fine, this is what I needed. A bit more torture for all that I've done, I suppose."

"What are you going to say to her- I mean, if this all works out?" Sakuya blinked at Yuuya curiously.

Yuuya wrung his hangs, a small smile appearing on his face "A lot. But I think I can narrow it down if you give me a year or so".

Crushed (Part 1) [Hatoful Boyfriend: Yuuya x Hiyoko]Where stories live. Discover now