Chapter 1

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Jake's pov:today is the first day of the summer holiday I woke up feeling dizzy so I stayed in bed
L:hey Jake good morning how do you feel today
J:I feel dizzy
L:I'll go get the medicine close your eyes and try to calm down
L:here Jake take it (gives him the cup but his hands were shaking so he spilled water everywhere Logan took it from him and helped him take it) I spilled it everywhere
L:don't worry about it do you feel a little better now
J:yes ...umm
L:what do you want?
J:I want to go to the hospital
L:why Jake are you ok do you feel tired am I not taking care of you(worried voice)
J:no you take care of me really well but you are 20 you should be going out with your friends and traveling and having fun not spending your time with your sick brother
L:no Jake don't say that you are not going to the hospital you are staying here with me (hugs him)
J:thank you and I am sorry
L:np and you don't have to be sorry
Jake's pov:Logan left then Alissa started texting me *text*
A:hey Jakey
J:hey babe I miss you
A:I miss you too can I come
J:ofc you can*end of text*
L:Jake I am going out do you wanna come
J:no Alissa is coming over
L:ok if anything happens call me
J:ok don't worry
Logan goes out and Alissa comes
J:hey babe I missed you
A:I missed you too
Jake's pov:me and Alissa have been hanging out for an hour now but she is acting really weird I don't know why
A:here Jakey I made you some lemonade juice
J:thank you (Jake drinks it then he began the glass fell from his hand

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