Chapter 15

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Jake's pov:I went and got food with Logan and he told me about what happened and he has been through a lot so I couldn't ask him about the Alissa thing I'll just go to Erika she makes me feel better
*erika's house*
J:hey babe
E:hey jakey you seem happy what's going on
J:Logan came back yesterday but
E:but what
J:remember that thing Alissa said
E:you believed her?!!
J:I don't know I just want to ask him
E:you shouldn't that means that you don't trust him but if you feel like this happened you should ask then
J:you are right
E:I am always right (they both laugh)
*a couple of months later*
Jake's pov:I was in the house with Erika and Logan went to the store and I  sill didn't ask him and I hear a knock on the door and it was Britney with a baby in her hand
J:what do you want
B:where is Logan
J:he's not here
B:well take this I don't want it(throws the baby at Jake)
J:what do you mean you don't want it
B:if you don't want it I could take it and give it to anyone who would adopt it
B:then you keep it have fun bye
Jake's pov:what just happened I look at the baby and she looks like Logan and she's really cute
E:awh she's so cute
(They are sitting on the couch with the baby in Jake's arms and then Logan walks in)
L:what's that in your hand Jake
J:it's yours (gives him the baby)
L:holds the baby and hugs her and goes to his room
E:I'll go home bye Jakey
J:bye babe(kisses her)
Jake's pov:I go to Logan's room and I see him holding the baby and crying
J:don't cry it will be ok
L:I don't want her to grow up without a mum and I work a lot and..
J:it's gonna be ok I'll help you then we can get a babysitter
L:what if I can't give here enough attention I am the worst person ever
J:no your not (hugs him)
Jake's pov:so it's been 2 months since rose came(the baby's name) and I haven't asked Logan yet but I will today
J:Logan can I talk with you
J:is it true that you and Alissa hooked up

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