Chapter 20

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J:it was Logan
Logan's pov:I walk in Jake's room and I see him doing drugs
L:JAKE STOP (hugs him and the stuff fall from Jake's hand)
L:I missed you
J:cries (Logan hugs him tighter)
L:I love you so much Jake never do that stuff again please
J:I...i t..too(starts shaking)
L:Jake you need to breathe stop crying I can't you see like this your eyes a red and your so skinny and you smell like alcohol and doing drugs you are only 18 why would you do this
J:logan I am 20
L:I have been in a coma for two years?!
J:yes I thought you'd never wake up
L:I am here now I want to see rose I'll take with you later ok
J:ok call Erika and let her bring her
L:you broke up
J:no but we don't talk a lot
*knock on the door*logan goes to open it and Jake follows
Logan's pov:I open the door and I see the most beautiful girl (chloe)I've ever seen and she has a girl standing next to her
C:hi I am Chloe you must be Logan here is rose
L:thank you so much
C:your welcome (leaves)
L:hey baby(goes down to hug her while tearing up because he missed her so much)
R:who are you(looks at Jake and says)
R:dad I missed you (goes to Jake)
J:I am not your dad this is your dad now go give him a hug
R:you told me you are my dad
J:I am sorry I am your uncle
L:can I have a hug
R:yes dad
L:awh your so cute I love you so much
R:I love you too
L:I'll put rose to bed then I want to talk to you Jake
J:ok *jake's room*
L:why did you do this
J:my life fell apart when you didn't wake up after a year I started getting more depressed I already was before but I tried to drink and it helped and then I started doing drugs Erika tried to help but she couldn't I told her to take rose because I can't take care of her
L:promise that you won't do this again
J:I promise
L:you should go back to Erika
J:she probably hates me
L:ofc not do you still love her

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