Chapter 5

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L:yes she can but you'll have to share a room
J:I am ok with that
E:me too and thank you so much for letting me stay here
L:your welcome * Jake's room*
J:Erika you can have my bed I'll sleep on the couch
E:ofc I won't let you sleep on the couch in your room I'll sleep on the couch
J:no your not
E:yes I am (they go back and forth and then they started talking and get to know each other more)
J:do you wanna watch a movie
E:yeah sure
Jake puts on a movie on the tv and he put on his glasses
E:you wear glasses
J:yes (sad)
E:don't be upset you look really cute with them
J:you think I look cute
J:you look cute too
E:thank you (kisses his cheek)
Jake's pov:she didn't just kiss me?!!!that was the best feeling ever
E:Jake I want to sleep I'll go now (she was going to the couch)
J:umm Erika
J:wanna sleep next to me
Jake takes his medicine and Erika stared at him
E:what's that are you ok ?
J:I don't tell this to anyone but I have a sugar disease
E:omg Jake I am sorry I know how hard it is
J:it's ok I've had it since I was 10 let's sleep now
E:ok gn
J:gn (Jake wraps his arms around Erika waist)
Erika's pov:when Jake did that i felt so safe I never wanted to leave him
*next morning*
Jake's pov:I woke up with Erika in my arms I really like her and she looks really cute when she's sleeping
E:good morning
J:good morning did you sleep well
E:yes thank you for letting me sleep here
J:np let's go have breakfast
L:Jake can I talk to you
J:yeah sure (Logan goes to his room and Jake follows)
L:Jake you know I love you right?
J:yeah (worried)
L:starts crying while looking at Jake
J:what's wrong are you ok
L:the doctor called and said that he noticed something wrong in your test and you have to get surgery
J:is it dangerous?(worried)
L:.....(cries more and hugs Jake)
J:ohh ok (sad and he leaves)
L:where are you going

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