Chapter 28

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Logan's pov:I woke up at 8 I still felt sleepy so I went it Jake's room I slept in his bed it was so peaceful there was no rose crying and Chloe screaming at her I love them both so much but I miss the peace then I fell asleep
Jake's pov:I go home I was so tired I've worked a lot today it is 2 pm and I didn't see Logan I walk in my room I see him in my bed I was so tired so I slept it was a king size bed so it was pretty big so it didn't matter
Erika's pov:I woke up in Logan's and Chloe's room
C:good morning rik what are you thinking about
E:I still love Jake
E:did I say that out loud
C:yes you did and I think he still loves you
E:but I broke his heart and Logan hates me
C:maybe you are right but they will forgive you just give them time
E:do you think so
C:ofc wanna go out and do some shopping
E:Yeah let's go
Logan's pov:I woke up and Jake was next to me it was 4 pm how did I sleep that long?!!
L:Jake Jake wake up
L:it's 4 pm
Jake's pov:when I woke up I felt dizzy again I don't know why I couldn't even get out of bed
J:give me the medicine (shaking)
L:here (he gave him the water and the medicine)
J:I..i can't breathe
L:should we go to the hospital
Logan's pov:I was so worried when Jake said yes he always says that he'll be fine
L:ok let's go (he helps Jake walk because he was so dizzy and they go to the car)
L:just close your eyes and relax
J:ok *the hospital*
Dr:he just needs some rest and he'll be fine I'll do some tests then he can leave
L:ok thank you
(Chloe and Erika came)
C:is he ok
L:don't worry he'll be fine Erika you can see him
E:thank you
Erika's pov:I was so happy when logan said this I walked in he looked so sick and tired
E:are you ok (crying)
J:don't cry I'll be fine
E:I am so worried
J:Why don't be
E:Jake I..i love you

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