Chapter 3

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L:don't cry Jake it's going to be ok
J:I..i lo..loved her (cries harder)
L:I know you were so good to her and she tried to kill you she doesn't deserve you Jake I hate seeing you cry please stop
J:ok(sad)*they get out of the car infornt there house*
L:look Jake we have new neighbors wanna go say hi with me
Erika's pov:I just moved to a new house with my parents I was getting the boxes out of the car then I see to boys come towards me
L:hi I am Logan and this my brother Jake we are your neighbors
E:hi I am Erika nice to meet you
L:nice to meet you too we will leave you unpack your stuff now bye
E:bye guys
Erika's pov:damn Jake is really hot but it looks like he was crying
Jake's pov:when we got to our house and I went to my room and cried
Erika's pov:I was decorating my room and I heard crying I look out of the window it was from the neighbors house and it was Jake's room he was crying so hard I wonder what's wrong
L:Jake can I come in
L:walks in
J:I told you don't come in(wipes his tears)
L:it's ok to cry don't be embarrassed what happened wasn't easy and I understand
J:I loved her so much and she tried to kill me
L:I know Jake (hugs him and he could feel tears falling from Jake's eyes)
J:stay here with me
L:I am here calm down
Logan stayed with Jake until he fell asleep on Logan's shoulder he put him down and left *1 week later*
Jake's pov:I feel better than before but I am still heart broken from Alissa I think I'll go on a walk
Erika's pov:my mum travelled and she won't come until I start school but I started to get used to the neighborhood I go running everyday in the morning
E:Dad I am going on a run
D:ok whatever
J:Logan I am going for a walk
L:did you take your medicine
L:take care Jake if you feel tired come back or call me
J:ok bye
Jake's pov:I was listening to music then suddenly it stopped I realized that my phone was out of battery and that I went really far I turn back and I don't know why but I started feeling dizzy and I started to see thing blurry

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