Chapter 9

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J:I am scared(shaking)
L: you will be fine(hugs him)
*in the room*
Nurse:I'll give you medicine that will make you sleep ok
Jake's pov:when she said that I knew this can be the last time that I see Logan and Erika
L:I love you so much Jake(cries)
J:I love you too Logan (cries)
J:Erika I love you
E:I love you too Jake(cries they kiss and the nurse tells them that they will have to take Jake to the room where they do the surgery)
L:looks at Jake and gives him a really tight hug
J:bye I love you
L&E:we love you too
Jake's pov:she gave me the medicine and everything went black after a minute
Logan's pov:I am so worried about Jake I can't live without him
Erika's pov:I love Jake so much even tho we were together for a couple of days but I can't live without him
*1 hour later*
Dr:I am sorry to say this but he doesn't look like he is doing good and he is in a coma now
L:can we see him
Dr:only family members for now
L:stay here Erika
Erika's pov:when the doctor said that I broke down in crying
Logan's pov:I followed the doctor and went in Jake's room and the doctor left I looked at him he was connected to wires everywhere I started crying what if he never wakes up I walked closer to him
L:J..Jake pl..please wake up I..i you I..can't live without
(Logan kissed Jake's head and he left)
E:how is he (crying)
Logan looks at Erika with tears all over his face and Erika cries harder
*1 week later*
Erika's pov:Jake had been in the hospital for a week now and I go to him every day
Logan's pov:since Jake got in the hospital and the Dr said he is in a coma I have been really sick I barely eat anything and I don't visit him because I can't see him like that
Erika's pov:I go to Jake's room and I see a bunch of doctors there my heart started racing and a doctor came towards me
Dr:I have really great news he is awake now and you can see him
Erika ran to Jake
E:Jakey I was so worried I love you so much (hugs him)
J:I love you too but......

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