Chapter 25

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*2 years later*
Jake's pov:I got over Erika I sometimes I get dizzy from my sugar disease but I know how to deal with it now and I am auditioning for a movie character and I hope I get it
Logan's pov:Rose is 4 years old , me and Chloe are together now but we are not married I still live with Jake and we are closer than ever but he has trust issues he doesn't trust anyone except me and I feel really bad for him
L:Jake I am gonna ask Chloe to marry me
J:omg finally
L:i know
J:I'll go now bye
J:I have an audition
L:that's cool good luck
Erika's pov:I miss Jake so much I have a boyfriend his name is Blake I hate him so much he brought me to la and he abuses me all the time
Jake's pov:I got chosen for the character and I am really excited but I have to move to la
L:congrats and calm down you scared me
J:But 😔
J:I am moving to la I'll miss you and rose and Chloe so much
L:I can move with you
Logan's pov:I really didn't want to move to la but i will for Jake I am not gonna break his heart again I want him to live a happy successful life and I am going with Chloe tonight I'll ask her to marry me *night*
J:you look good
L:thx I am nervous
J:don't be can I take rose to the park
L:ofc you can I'll go now bye
J:bye let's go rose
Chloe's pov:I am having so much fun with Logan but he is acting weird I don't know why
L:Chloe wanna go on a walk by the river
C:sure (they were walking then Logan says)
L:Chloe I've liked you the from the first time I saw you you have been always the best to me and you took care of my daughter when I wasn't here you are the love of my life (goes down on one knee and opens a box with a beautiful diamond ring in it)
L:will you marry?
C:yes ofc I will (cries and Logan hugs her)
L:I love you
C:I love you too (they make out)
L:if I move to la would come with me
C:yes ofc

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