Chapter 18

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Britney shot the gun at Logan while he was sleeping
L:t..take care of r..rose(closes his eye)
B: (runs out of the house and Jake calls 911 Erika comes in with rose in her hands)
E:he's gonna be ok don't worry
J:do you think so
E:yes ofc (the ambulance came)
J:I'll go stay here with rose
E:I'll call my friend Chloe she can babysit rose and I'll come to the hospital after
J:ok bye (goes with them)
*erika calls Chloe*
C:hey rik wanna hangout
E:no I can't Jake's brother is in the hospital can you pls babysit his daughter just for today
C:sure no problem *the hospital*
Dr:Logan paul?
J:yes is he ok
Dr:i have great news and bad new the police caught Britney but I am sorry Logan is in a coma and we don't know when he'll wake up
J:w..what(tears up)
Dr:I am sorry you seem really close to him I know how hard it is but there is always hope that he'll wake up
Logan's pov:I was sleeping in my room all I could remember is hearing a gun then passing out I could here the doctors around me but I can't move or talk or do anything then I hear Jake
J:Logan please wake up rose needs you and I need you(Erika walks in and hugs Jake and wipes his tears away)
E:I am sorry Jake
J:I want to go home and where is rose
E:she's with my friend Chloe don't worry
J:let's go(they pick rose up and go home*
*1 year later*
Jake's pov:today is rose's 1st birthday Logan didn't wake up yet I go and visit him everyday I am really depressed now but I never cut or tried killing my self because I don't run away from my problems and me and Erika are now closer than ever she's my soulmate and I can't live without her
J:happy birthday I love you so much rose(kisses her cheek)
R:I love you too D...Dad
J:what did you say
R:I love you too Dad(opens her arms for Jake to hug her he hugs her)
R:mommy I love you (looking at Erika and she hugs her)
E:I love you too sweetie happy birthday
*jake's room*
E:are we going to tell her
J:I don't want her to grow up without parents like me 😔

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