A new life starts for Kim and Ron after the graduation.
Will they continue saving the world?
Will they find the right college?
Will their ways seperate?
New chapter every friday.
Stay tuned :)
(I do not own Kim Possible)
Kim and Ron decided to give college hunting a chance and have been looking for a college around Middleton before Ron had left for the summer camp the next morning.
It was almost 6p.m and they have been to almost in 5 colleges and hadn't found the right college yet. They were devastated, they both now know that they want to go to the same college. They've known each other since kindergarten and now getting used to a life where they couldn't see each other that often, would be hard for them.
Ron: Kim what are we gonna do? We just can't spend a year in Middleton without doing anything
Kim: I also don't know, never lose hope, one day we'll find the right college, I guarantee you
College didn't worry Kim as much as it worried Ron. She was still thinking about how she'd survive the whole summer without Ron.
Kim: Wanna go to Bueno Nacho?
Ron: Sure
It doesn't matter where they were or what they were up to, they always ended up going to Bueno Nacho.
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--At Bueno Nacho--
Kim: Ron aren't you afraid of Camping, once you told me that you didn't have the best experience there
Ron: I am still a little bit afraid
Kim: Where is it?
Ron: You mean the camping site
Kim: yes Ron
Ron: It is the camp Wannaweep
Kim: Oh now I understand why you are still afraid.
Ron: I know who
Kim: You know what?
Ron: I know who could be your friend for the rest of the summer
Kim: Bonnie?, Ron Bonnie is in Europe with Senior Senior Junior, don't you know
Ron: No no it's not her
Kim: Who then?
Ron: Shego
Kim: What?
Ron: Don't you remember. Once you were Shego were besties and you neglected me
Kim: It was only because of an accident. Because of Electronique, she turned her good with the attitudinator. And by the way, we can never be Friends
Ron: You can't be Friends because of Drakken's contract with her, but that doesn't make it impossible.
Kim: I am not convinced.
Ron: Yeah whatever
Kim: Ron how can u come up with odd ideas every time
Ron: My ideas are not odd, you make them odd
Out of a small thing they started to discuss again.
It was almost 8 p.m and Ron had to go home because he had to wake up early the next morning to go to the camping resort.
They were in front of Ron's house.
Kim: Ron I'll miss you
Ron: I'll miss you too KP
Kim: Ron you can call me every time you want and let us also phone every night
Then they hugged. And all of a sudden Kim kissed Ron. He was shocked and didn't expect that even though she has been his girlfriend for a long time.
Kim watched Ron until he got in and closed the door behind him. He was shocked at the same time fascinated and smiled holding his mouth.
-- At the Possibles--
Mrs.Possible: Hi Kimmie
Kim: Hi mom, It seems that you have finished work earlier, otherwise you wouldn't be home that early
Mrs.Possible: Yes Kimmie, it was spontaneous, what's the matter, you seem a little worried
Kim: Mom, I just said goodbye to Ron, as you know tomorrow he'll be on his way to the camping resort.
Mrs. Possible: Kim don't be so sad as I told you I am sure you'll make new friends. And how did college's hunting go?
Kim: as always, we couldn't find anything, I am going to bed, today has been a tough day
Mrs.Possible: Goodnight Kimmie
Kim went to bed but she couldn't sleep, she was thinking of Ron. She was thinking of how she was to survive without Ron. She also made thoughts of Ron surviving without her?
Ron couldn't Sleep either, because he felt guilty that he was going to leave Kim alone and he was also thinking about surviving without Kim. At the same time, he was still fascinated by the kiss that Kim gave him. And by the thought of that, he smiled.
The next morning Ron woke up and got ready. He could barely eat. He took his suitcase and stored it in the trunk. Before he got into the car with his dad, he hugged his mom and gave his sister Nana a kiss. (She is his adopted sister)
Then he got into the car with his dad and they left. While they were driving to the camping resort Ron's dad saw the sad expression on Ron's face.
Mr.Stoppable: What's the matter, Ron?
Ron: I'm fine
Mr.Stoppable: Are u sure?
Ron: Yeah
Then he leaned his at against the window
His dad knew that there was something that worried him but he didn't want to ask him further.
His first day at Wannaweep was not the best. He got to know the people there, but he couldn't befriend himself with anyone. For him, they were all different.
At night he was thinking of Kim. "What is she doing right now?" Instead of calling, he texted her, so that he doesn't wake her up if she was sleeping.
--------their chat-----------
Hi Ron, How are you?
I'm fine and you?
I am fine too, how was your day?
People are different here
Ron Just waits, it was the first day. I'm sure you'll find Friends