Shego left without saying anything. The rest of them was left open-mouthed.
Drakken: Wow... she... she does really love me. Wait Shego!
He ran after her.
Kim: Ms.Go we need to talk
Bellatrix: Give me some time until I get changed into something. As you can see I was forced to get out of the shower.
Kim: Sure, just go on we'll wait here.
-10 minutes later-
Kim: So you are back. Let's sit down.
Bellatrix reluctantly sat down, because she knew that she wasn't going to hear nice things.
Bellatrix: So what's the matter?
Kim: Why did you do that?
Bellatrix: I did do what?
Ron: We all know that it was you?
Kim: yeah we all know.
Bellatrix: know I don't like that blue guy .... I don't think that he is the right one for my daughter so.. I thought ruining their relationship and finding a better guy for my daughter I thought I would help her to be happy.
Kim: Ms.Go you daughter has known him for years. And sh has has trusting issues over the years, cuz' she had a hard life. We are all convinced that he is the right one for her. So please let her in peace.
Bellatrix: Okay you may be right. I'll let her in peace.
Ron: Wait! Who helped you with this plan. With all of fhis fake number things.
Kim: Oh hell yeah! Good point Ron. Tell us!
Bellatrix: Ahm... oh man how???? I have to tell the truth then. I asked Dementor for help. So he helped me to send thede fake messages. Now are you happy.
Ron and Kim were really disapointed and stood up for leaving her house.
But before they could even leave, Kim stopped to talk with her one more time.Kim: Ms.Go that what you did went to far? Please do us that favor and leave Shego in peace. If not our next visit won't be that smooth.
And she turned her back to Shego's mom and followed Ron.
Kim: Thank you Ron. You don't believe how thankful I am. You always manage to help me in the last minute.
Ron: Psst. Babe
He didn't let her finish her sentence and placed a small kiss on her lips.
Drakken: Shego please listen
Shego didn't listen and continued walking angryly.
It started raining.
Drakken: Shego, I know that you are not mad at me. You are mad at your mom and you don't want to show me any sorrow.
But still she wasn't easy to stop.
Drakken: Shego!
Drakken shouted after her one last time and ran faster this time until he could stop her by her wrist.
Drakken: Shego please stop.
His hands moved from her hands up to hear face and wiped away her tears.
Drakken: Why are you crying? Didn't you say chosing this way was your own decision?
Shego slightly nodded.
Drakken: See there is no need to cry. Yes it is true your mom has done something bad, but this shouldn't matter as long as we have each other.
Hearing his words Shego's lips formed a smile and she couldn't stop herself. She stood on her toes and pulled his head closer to her so that she presser his lips against hers.
Yes first time ever in her life she let go all of her worries.
Shego: Let's go home.
She pulled away her head and smiled.
They started walking hand in hand. The heavy rain didn't bother them.
Kim: Hi Mom and Dad!
Ms.Possible: Hey Kimmy!
Mr.Possible: Hey Kimmy-cub!
Kim: You don't know what happened
Kim said leaning back on the sofa.
Mr.Possible: What's wrong?
He lifted his head up from the newspaper.
Kim: Shego's mom tried to split Drakken and Shego up with an evil plan.
Kim said sighing.
Mr.Possible: And?
Kim: We solved the problem
Mrs.Possible: I feel soo bad for this girl. Kimmie won't you invite her and Drakken
Kim: Mom I don't think that this is the right time
Mr.Possible: Tomorro I'll talk to Drakken about tha don't worry Ann.
Kim: But dad...
Mr.Possible: Psst Kimmie trust me.
Kim: Okay. I go to bed. It was a tough day. Good night mom and Dad.
Kim stood up an made her way to her bes room. She closed the door behind her and sat on her bed.
She turned on her Kimmunicator and called wade.Kim: Hey Wade!
Wade: Hi Kim!
Kim: Wade thanks again for helping me out.
Wade: You have to thank Ron. It was his idea to bring Drakken along.
Kim: I know, I need to call him too. Bye Wade!
Wade: Bye Kim!
She hung up and this time she dialed Ron's number.
Kim: Hi Ron
Ron: Oh hi KP!
Kim: what were you doing?
Ron: Nothing special I was playing video games with Rufus.
Kim: Oh okay. I love you Ron.
Ron: Oh, love you too, but babe what made you say that.
Kim: I rembered what you did today. You know you always manage to help me in every possible situation. That's why.
Ron: Kim, that's just because I love you more than anything on this planet. And from all of my heart I wish that you stay my girl until death make us apart.
Kim: Ron thank you. I don't know what to say. Let's do something together tomorrow.
Ron: That would be perfect.
Kim: Good night Ron.
Ron: Good night KP.
Wow every day she loved her boyfriend more. She couldn't describe in words how much he meant.
---The End---

Kim Possible
FanfictionA new life starts for Kim and Ron after the graduation. Will they continue saving the world? Will they find the right college? Will their ways seperate? New chapter every friday. Stay tuned :) (I do not own Kim Possible)