Horrible past

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--- Later at Drakkens Lair---

Shego just entered the lair with red eyes. You can definately see that she has cried the whole way to Drakkens lair.
And slammed the door behind her.
Of course Drakken could hear the doorslam and ran to her.

He saw him with teary eyes and walked Closer to her. Before Drakken could even realize that she was dressed up differentyl Shego just dropped her bag and hugged Drakken. And then she started crying again.

Drakken: Shego what's wrong with you what happened. You never cry.

Shego crying was the last thing on earth that could happen. But Shego was so hurt that she coulnd't even answer Drakkens question.

Shego let fall herself into Drakken. And they were hugging for a momen and Shego was still crying. Drakken pulled her away and looked at her to know whats up.

Shego: Drakken I can't take it anymore

Drakken: What happened

Shego still didn't give an answer so Drakken took her to the Sofa and they both sit down. Drakken coulnd't believe that Shego was stil hugging him.

Drakken: You wanna tell me what made you cry? now?

Shego: Dr. D you,...... you don't know what happened.

Drakken: Tell me then

Shego: I was at Kim's

Drakken: Hold on what

Drakken didn't except that from Shego but at the same time, knowing that she spent time with Kim instead of someone else , he was relieved

Shego: Dr.D Kim's mom

Drakken: What's the matter with her

Shego: She knows my mom

And than she started crying again. The whole Thing was really complicated for Drakken because Shego has never told him anything About her Family except the Go Brothers.

He wanted to know more but at that Moment Shego has fallen asleep on his lap.

He couldn't believe it. She has fallen asleep on his lap. He touched her face and saw her swollen eyes. What could be so horrible with her mom, he was asking hisself. I wished so bad that he could be able to take her pain.

---The next morning---

When Shego woke Shego wanted to go because falling asleep on Drakkens lap was too much for her, but she couldnt go anywhere because Drakken held her Hand tight.

Drakkan: Hold on where are you going without telling me what had made you cry yesterday

Shego: I don't wanna tell anything

Drakken: Refusing is not that easy. I wont let you go without telling me anything, we have known each other for soo Long. Now tell me all and let me find a solution to your Problem

Shego: No there is not a solution for this

Drakken: Tell me anyways

Drakken kept begging her. So there wasnt other Option left for Shego so she decided to tell him everthing from the start.

And then she started to tell:

---Approximately 24 years ago---

A 7 year old girl with Beautiful black hair and green eyes was sitting in the Living room and trying to understand why so many People have gathered. They were all crying. She asked her mom why these People were crying and her mom got really mad and shouted her "Don't be so silly, your dad has passed away you littlee..."

She never really understood why her mom didn't like her. But her mom Always loved her older Brothers Henry and Matthew aka Hego and Mego (I totally invented These names)

She felt guilty because her mom has Always blamed her for her dad's death. Because her dad didn't want her when her mom got pregnant by accident. After her Father found out that she was pregnant to her, to a third child, he has started to treat her mom differently.

That is what her mom has told her.

Couple years later while she was attending high School her mom found antoher man. Unfortunately he didn't like her either. Her mom got pregnant again and gave birth to Twins, whose names were William and Wayne ( I also invented These names)

She doesn't know why but she liked her younger Brothers more then her older Brothers. Because she had to take care of them after she came home from School.

One day while all the siblings were playing they were struck by a rainbow Comet, which granted them superpowers.

After Shego graduated from high School it was too much for her and she decided to leave home and started a new life.

Even though she started a new life with hopes that everything will be allright she still had struggles. Soon she started with college. It wasn't easy for her and she had to work but it was still beter than Living with her mom.

She has completely deleted her mom from her life and told everybody that she doesnt live anymore.

After she graduated from Collage too Hego asked her to join Their Team.

As much as we know she quitted saving the world with her Brothers end left Team Go because she turnt Evil and staret working for Dr.Drakken.

And than she also told him what had happened at the possibles.

--- Back to present---

Drakken was really outraged hearing Shegos though past. He never heard it before. He felt really bad for what have Shego been through all her life. Now he knew why Shego has turnt evil.

Shego: Do u understand now why there isn't a solution

Drakken: Wow Shego why you haven't told me this earlier

Shego: It wasn't nessecery

Drakken reached to Shegos hand and held it tight

Drakken: Don't worry Shego, It doesn't matter what, I will always be there for you

Shego: I don't know how to say that but, Thank you so much

And all of a sudden they hugged. Telling him all the story and hugging him made Shego feel better, First time in her life she told everything, that she has sworn to herself not to telli anyone, she told it Drakken.

---The end---

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---The end---

We all don't know Shegos backround story and Disney has never revealed it. That's why I came up with a sad Story. I Kinda tried to connect her evilness with her horrible past.

I hope you liked it :)

Let me know in the comments :)

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