Drakken: Shego, are you okay?
Shego just nodded.
Drakken: You are all wet. Take this
He took off his jacket and put it on her.
Drakken: Better?
He asked smiling at her. She just smiled back
Drakken: It isn't far to the car
Shego: You came with the car.
Shego finally spoke.
Drakken: Yeah sure. After hearing what was going on I had to stop her.
Shego didn't say anything until they both got home.
Shego straight went to her room without talking to Drakken.
She closed the door behind her and got ready for a hot bath.
She was really confused, and she felt really bad at the same time.
She let the hot water run down her whole body, inhaled deeply and got out of the shower.
She wrapped a towel around her body and sat on her bed.
'What to do now?'
She inhaled deeply.
She knew that trusting Drakken was going to take a long time.
/Knock knock/
Oh no! It was Drakken.
She didn't want to let him in, while on the other hand she was feeling like letting him in.
She sighed stading up. This time she was following her heart.
She opened the door.
Drakken: Oh Shego, I am sorry for bothering you. I guess it is not the right time. I may come later.
Drakken didn't expect seeing her like this.
Shego: It's okay Dr.d, come in.
She walked into her room and he followed her.
She sat down on her bed and he sat down too waiting for him to speak.
Shego: Drakken...
She refused to look at his face.
Drakken: Shego, I guess you won't be trusting me for a long time.
She still refused to put up her head. He was right, but on the other hand she felt guilty for believing easily what her mom had to tell about drakken.
Drakken stood there and hoped she would answer. He knew as well that It'd take a long time for her to gain his trust.
Shego: I am sorry Drakken..I am really sorry...
Drakken: It's okay, you don't need apologize.
Shego: No!
Drakken: Why? What's wrong?
Shego: You are too forgiving. If I was you, I wouldn't forgive myself so easily, but you do.
Drakken: Stop blaming yourself, only I know what you have been through.
Shego: I know you do, but this can't be the reason why you are so forgiving.
Drakken: It's just because I love you Shego,
His words made her sit there with an open mouth again. He was really sure about it. He really meant it. So trusting him completely wasn't only the right thing to do at the moment, it was also good for him. He deserved this.
Drakken: Shego.
Shego: Yeah
She woke up from her thoughts.
Drakken: I better go out and you get dressed.
Shego: Oh okay, you are right
Drakken stood up and left her. He hoped that everything would be like it used to be and she would completely trust him, so that he wouldn't have to worry for anything. Whenever she was so unsure, he was unsure too about his behavior. Was her distrust because of the big age gap between them?
Ron: Kp, college is calling
Kim: I know Ron, but stop thinking about it. Enjoy your holidays
Ron: I somehow can't
He sighed and sat on Kim's bed, while Kim was sorting out her clothes.
Kim: Ron, I don't know how many times I have to tell you this, but try to see Things positively.
Ron: You, you as a Gemini are telling me.
Kim: of course Ron, even I as a Gemini don't act like that.
Kim sighed throwing her sweatshirt aside.
Ron: It is soo boring, we can't spend the rest of the day in your room.
Kim: As Long as you stop thinking negatively and complaining, we'll go to Bueno Nacho as soon as I am finished here.
Ron: What how do you know that I was going to suggest going to Bueno Nacho.
Kim: Ron, I am your girlfriend. And we Always end up there, that's why
Ron: Oh boy
Ron sighed
Kim: On what did we agree on
Ron: Okay I stop, you know me too well. You can tell what's on my mind.
Kim: What About you, can you also read my mind.
Ron: Ahm, most of the time yess
Kim smiled at him.
Rom: C'mon, give me some time, I am not as good as you.
Drakken left Shego alone and gave her some time on her own. She needed to rest after all what happened. At the same time he felt bad leaving her. He would've stayed with her but he want her to think over what he'd just told her.
Shego was alone again.
She sighed. Everything was so confusing. She really didn't have the slightest idea what to do.
She got on her feet. lnstead of getting dressed she walked to the window. She glared at the night sky, with thoughts of her future with Drakken.
Maybe one day everything will find its place so that she won't be so unsure...---The end---

Kim Possible
FanfictionA new life starts for Kim and Ron after the graduation. Will they continue saving the world? Will they find the right college? Will their ways seperate? New chapter every friday. Stay tuned :) (I do not own Kim Possible)