An emergency

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---2 a.m.---

Mr.Possible could't sleep. He tossed around. He came up with the idea of drinking water. Drinking water may make him fall asleep easier.
As he stood up he collapsed and to that loud noise Mrs.Possible also woke up. All she could see in the darkness was Mr.P lying in the floor. She turnt on the lights to get a better sight. She was shocked. She bent down over him and could see thag he could barely breathe she shouted soo loud that Kim and the twins rushed to their room.
Even though Kim didn't havd the slightest idea she called the ambulance.

---1 hour later at the hospital---

At the Hospital Mrs.P. was really shocked and she coulnd't talk. And the Twins were scared. So Kim was the only one who was mentally Ok.

Doc: Are you Mr.Possibles daughter?

Kim: Yeah I am his daughter

Doc: Mr.Possible had a hear attack

Kim: A what? How could this be possible

Doc: Has he been stressed lately

Kim: No! He haven't had any problems. Everything was fine

Doc: Well then, this depents on his age, because  Mr.Possible is almost 50 years old

Kim: Yeah he is. Can we see him now

Doc: He is fine now, you can go and see him

They rushed to his room and Mrs.Possible hugged him.

Mrs.P: James you scared me to death

Kim: Dad are you okay?

Mr.P: You don't have to worry I am fine. You better go home and get some sleep

Kim: Mom dad is Right, we better go home, you have to go to work tomorrow.

--- The next morning---

Mrs. Possible had to go to work and she had left the house early. And Kim decided to pack some of her dads clothes and bring them to him with the twins. 

Tim: Kim is Dad going to be okay?

Kim: Of Course he will, don't worry, this can happen any of us, He'll get well soon

Jim: Okay Kim

Kim: Common let's go

After they were in their dads room Jim and Tim ran straight to their dad and hugged him

Kim: Hi dad. How do you feel today?

Mr.P: I am fine

Kim: Dad I brought you some clothes

Mr.P: How are you Kimmie

Kim: I am fine Dad don't worry and  mom will visit you after work because she had to rush because of a surgery

Mr.P: Oh okay Kimmie. Jim, Tim just behave and listen to your sister

J&T: Okay dad

Mr.P: Kim have the twins been good? Did they behave?

Kim: Don't worry dad they were excellent

Mr.P: You are an amazing sister Kim

--- 1 hour later---

After they left the Hospital.

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