Ron: Bueno Nacho?
Kim: Oh hell no.
Ron: Let's go and take walk at the park.
Kim: I like this.
Kim smiled at him.
Ron: This car carries not only us.Ron said fastening his seatbelt.
Kim: What do you mean by that?
Ron: it does carry so many memories. We have been through a lot.
Kim: Yeah, you are right. Don't you remember the day when we were after Shego ans S. S. Junior and accidentally drove into the sea.
Ron: OMG yes. How could I forget that day. And we couldn't also find a parking space.
They both laughed.
After arriving at the lair, Shego straight went to her room to get changed.
As she was about to leave her room, she heard her phone beeping.
She took out her phone to check."Hey sweetheart, be careful who you are with!"
That was creepy. Who would ever text her like this? Hego?
Could it be?
She sighed and put her phone away without making any further thought.Shego: Life has gotten quiet boring after not trying to taking over the world. Hasn't it?
Shego smiled and sat across from him.
Drakken: Yeah kind of
Shego: Do you have to work tomorrow?
Drakken: Nope, because it's saturday
Shego: How is working wih Mr. Possible?
Drakken: Normal.... ahm he also once invited me, I mean us both to his house...
Shego: NO!
Drakken: But Shego why?
Shego stood up.
Shego: I'm tired. I'm gonna go to bed.
She closed the door behind herself sighing. She was kinda regretting the fac that she didn't explain him the reason for her dissaproval.
She shouldn't be like that. He is her boyfrienda and he has the right to know everything.
She can surely trust him, he has never done anything wrong to her over the years.She sighed and went to her closet to get changed and relax.
She got into bed and hoped that things would change in a positiv way and Drakken would give her time getting used to this releationship thing.
Her phone beeped again the moment she was about to put it away.
'Hey honey be careful. He is already mine'
What the hell was this message for?
Does it refer to Drakken.
If I find that freak out who send me these messages, I swear I'll kill him.
She angryly put her phone away and tried to realx.
The next day Shego woke up and received another sms, saying that she shouldn't steal her man. Now she could feel the rage in her and was knew this was reffered to Drakken. She was mad, but than she realized that wouldn't be true. Because Drakken would never have another woman than her, it took him years to get him. That would be someones game trying to seperate her and Drakken.
She dialed in Kim's number
Kim: Hey Shego
Shego: Kim I need your help.
Kim: What's wrong
Shego: I need to see you.
Ron: Then let's meet up in Bueno Nacho. (Ron shouted from behind)
Shego: argh okay (She sighed.)
Shego left her room angryly without saying anything to Drakken.
Drakken: Good morning Shego
Drakken smiled the moment he saw her.
But Shego ignored him walked angryly away.Drakken: Shego, what's wrong?
Shego kept ignoring him.
Drakken: Shego!
Shego: Just shut up!
She angryly said and smashed the door behind her.
Drakken was lef open-mouthed trying to understand what he did wrong again?
Ron: KP, why do we always sit around instead of doing different things. It is soo boring.
Kim: Ron it isn't boring, I just want to relax before college starts, please accept that.
Kim's Kimmunicator rang.
Ron: Who is it?
Kim: It's... it's Shego
Ron: What? C'mon just answer
Kim: Hi Shego
Shego: Kim I need your help.
Kim: What's wrong
Shego: I need to see you.
Ron: Then let's meet up in Bueno Nacho. He shouted from behind.
Kim: Let's meet up there. Bye
And she hung up.
Kim: Ron I can't believe you
she sighed.
Kim: let's go.
Kim made her way back to her room from her balcony to get dressed. Like roon complained, some action was about to join there peacful day.
Ron: Do you think she'll come
Ron and Kim arrived ad Bueno Nacho earlier than Shego.
Kim: Of course. She sounded really mad. I guess she has a big problem.
Couple minutes later Shego came with a serious expression and sar down across from Kim.
Kim: Hi Shego
Shego: Kim I hav a serious problem
Ron: Why didn't you ask Drakken for help? He is your boyfriend after all
Shego: He is the problem
Ron: Okay, that sounds serious
Shego: I'm receiving message saying that I should be careful and keep my hands off Drakken
Kim: That's weird, but why didn't you talk to Drakken?
Shego: No. I am mad at him, at some poin.
Kim: It would have been better if you had talked to him about this beforehand.
Shego: No. He doesn't deserve this. He should have told me the truth about his past.
Ron: Shego maybe this is a misunderstanding
Shego: No I don't think so.
Kim: Okay I can help you. But let me first call Wade and see what he gotta tell us.
---The End---

Kim Possible
FanfictionA new life starts for Kim and Ron after the graduation. Will they continue saving the world? Will they find the right college? Will their ways seperate? New chapter every friday. Stay tuned :) (I do not own Kim Possible)