-Drakken's sight-
He woke up very early the next morning, because it was his first day at Middleton Space Center. He left the house without making any noises, so that he wouldn't wake up Shego.
After he got there, his mind was still fullfilled with toughts:
The unexpected date went well, to Drakkens surprise Shego was very calm and also shocked.
The thought that Shego was officially his Girlfriend was incredible, he still couldn't believe it. Moreover, there was no need for an excuse - Shego had to stay with him. All these thoughts made him giggle.-at the space center-
James: Hey Drew everything Okay?
Drakken: Yeah everything is Okay. I am just trying to get used to this all.
James: Oh that's normal Drew it's just your first day. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. And how was it yesterday? I mean the date?
Drakken's eyes shot open, because he didn't expect James to ask him about the date.
Drakken: Ahmm it.. was..fine
James: And? That means?
Drakken: She... she is my girlfirend now.
James: That's perfect Drew. I am so glad. I am sorry for bothering you with this, and making you feel uncomfortable. I am just trying to make up things and help you.
Drakken: Yeah I...I see. Thank you.
James: What if you and Shego come to our place for dinner, that would be perfect. She'd get to know Ann.
Drakken: Very nice of you , but let's give her time, she is still not used to this all. She has never had a relationship like this before.
James: You are right Drew, I should have known. Where were we? Ah lemme explain you this...
-Kim's sight-
The next morning Kim woke up and made her way to the kitchen for breakfast.
Ann: Hey kimmie.
Kim: Hi mom
Ann: Tell me about yesterday.
Kim: There isn't anything to tell
Ann: Come on Kimmie. There must be something to tell. Hello! you guys worked so long for that plan.
Kim: Well, Shego was happy, we all thought that she would kick Drakken's a**, but they ended up as a couple.
Ann: That's amazing. And you and Ronald, what did you do?
Kim: You are seriously asking me about this?
Ann: Yeah
Kim: We went to Bueno Nacho
Without letting her mom respond she left the kitchen and made her way out to go get some stuff from the mall.
Ron stood in front of the door when Kim opened the door, they were standing face to face.
Ron: Hi KP!
Kim: Hi Ron! Why didn't you tell me you were coming over?
Ron: Well I also didn't know, it was spontanious, I wanted to see you and found myslef here.
After hearing this her madness disapper, which was caused by Rons behavior the other day.
Kim: That's cute Ron. Didn't know thay you could be so cute.
Ron: What are you up to?
Kim: I wanted to go to the mall
Ron: Let's go then!
-Shego's sight-
She was left alone after a long time again at the lair.
Whenever Drakken was after his plans he barely left the lair and they were always working together.It was all weird, Drakken asked her out yesterday and now she hasn't even seen him for the whole morning. She had no clue of what could happen next. This situation was strange for her. How would he treat her when he is back, would they even hug.
First thing she wanted to do was change her clothes, now she was unemployed and didn't need to wear the cat suit, so changed into a jeans and a simple top.
Wait if she was unemployed, she had to go but now there was no need for her leaving the lair, she was his girlfrind and she had to stay with him. Otherwise he wouldn't even let her move out. But somehow that put a smile on her face, the innerself actually never wanted to leave the lair.
It was about 4 p.m. and Drakken came back from work, he entered the lair and was looking for Shego, she was watching TV.
As she heard Drakkens footsteps she stood up and waited to greet him.
Drakken just said hi and went straight to her and hugged her.
This was the first time ever Drakken wasn't confused and knew what he was doing.
Shego: Hi! How was your day?
Drakken: Fine, I liked it, working with James,
After he released her he could she that she was dressed up all normal, which he really admired.
Drakken: Wanna go out to the mall, just hang around, spend some quality time together
Shego: Sure
Drakken: Lets go then
Shego: Wait! I need to take my bag.
Drakken: I'll wait for you outside
Shego rushed back to her room to get her bag, as she got back, she locked the door behind him and Drakken didn't move. 'Why is he waiting?' she was asking herself. Then she didn't need to wait for the answer, Drakken just reached her hand and they started walking together.
-Kim and Ron's sight-
Ron: KP this summer has been the most boring summer ever
Kim: I dont think so Ron. Don't you remember we were in Florida thanks to mom and dad. You are right otherwise this summer would be boring
Ron: And didn't you realized, there are no missions, Wade haven't called us once, we called him for help. What are all villians up to?
Kim: Ron calm down. I know you are right but the only thing we can do is wait. I am sure there will be a mission for us.
Ron: Omg Kim! You have to see this! It's...
---The End---

Kim Possible
FanfictionA new life starts for Kim and Ron after the graduation. Will they continue saving the world? Will they find the right college? Will their ways seperate? New chapter every friday. Stay tuned :) (I do not own Kim Possible)