14| Should I say yes or no?

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ANNEYEONG!!!! I'M BACK AND I MISS YOU GUYS!!! I already learned more techniques on how to make a great story so I hope you give me a chance to somehow show it to all of my readers on how I leveled up. :)


Right after Kris' call he came back with a smile and shouted instantly "LET'S RESUME THE PARTY!!!"

All of them shared confused looks and stared at Kris skeptically.

"What's with this hyung?" Chanyeol whispered to Baekhyun and he just shrugged his shoulders up and down.

"I heard that. YAH! I said let's continue the party! The food might get cold!" Kris said glancing at Chanyeol and Baekhyun.

"Omo omo omo!" Screamed Jae from behind. All eyes were darted to her.

"A DOG~ <3" Jae shouted that made them all jolt from their seats. "Zip it!" Mye said shushing Jae.

"But...A Dog!" Jae raised the cute puppy up that made them all look at it and sent sparks fly

"KYAAAAA~" Mye screamed and ran to the puppy "SO CUTE!!!"

"I said yah!" Jae exclaimed while the others, Standing there dumbfounded.

Jae hissed not amused "Oh come on! Don't be a party pooper!" While Mye, on the other hand was laughing behind.

"Yeah right." Kris said and rolled his eyes. "Atleast I'm the most handsome Party pooper ever" He added and did a pose.

All of them eyed him "Is there anything wrong with what I said?" Kris said glancing at them.

"Ehem. Excuses. Then shall we now proceed to the foods?" Xiumin said giddily, excited to eat more or less. While Baekhyun, Spacing out.

Jae patted Baekhyun's tall shoulder. He blinked three times and looked at her confused

She smiled on his overwhelmingly cuteness "Well, You're spacing out earlier." and Baekhyun would just laugh it off.

They were all sitting on their places, ready to eat. Kris glanced Jae and Mye "Duizang? What's wrong?" Tao asked Kris but he would just dimply smile and look down

"I'll tell it to you two later what's on my mind." Kris thought "Okay let's EAT!" Chen abruptly shouted and they all dug in while talking and talking.

While eating, there was awkward silence, All you can hear was the sounds of the plates, munching sounds, and gulps.

But then "Ahem! So, anyone wants to initiate a topic?" Suho said

"ummm...Guys? Did Manager Hyung already told the press that we will now be a member of EXO?" Mye said while finishing her food

Kris' eyes got wider than usual "Is there any problem Mr. Wu?" Luhan asked Kris and he just looked away "Ani~ It's just because..."

Luhan and now, All of them were now paying attention to what will Kris say "It's because Manager Hyung said that the both of you are now official members of EXO. But..."

Kris stopped and looked at Mye and Jae "...Falling in Love is prohibited for us." Kris ended with a pout.

"No big deal. I'm relieved though" Jae said grinning cutely "We will finally be a Kpop star!" Mye exclaimed in Joy.

But , It seems like only the two of them accepts it "Anything wrong?" Both of them asked the boys "Nothing really." all 12 of them answered.

Then suddenly they heard a bark "Oh the dog. Go eat~ I'll handle this" Jae said while gesturing them to continue eating their food.

*** Jae's P.O.V ***

*sighs* I'm so sleepy~ I better sleep now.

Then i saw the dog-- wait...I can't call this as 'dog' forever. It's a boy though. So~

"CHIRU!" I exclaimed. Chiru kept on following me wherever I go that made my heart soften. It's soft and fluffy white furr while His left leg is color brown. Yes It's a Pomeranian ;) KAWAII NEE?

"Leggo Chiru-kun~" And he obediently followed.

I sat in the couch, while I carried Chiru beside me. I turned the TV on and folded my arms on the arm rest of the couch and lay my head on my arms while my feet is on the floor.

I saw Chiru walking to my lap and lay down. He fastly fell asleep, after a few more minutes, I began to close my eyes and escape to my dreamland.

"They're so sweet~" Chen exclaimed, I rubbed my eyes and I slowly opened it seeing Chen, and the others around Me and Xiu--- XIUMIN?! Why is my head leaning on his shoulders?!

"I-I-I--" I stuttered. DEYMN!!! HALP! I NEED OXYGEN!!! HAAALLLPPP! But then, Xiumin grinned "It's no big deal." He shortly replied. WHAT EXACTLY HAPPENED?!

*** Flashback, Xiumin's P.O.V ***

"Neee hyung~ I'm full! Why don't you ju--" Sehun was cut abruptly because of Jae's scream "CHIRU!" What is it now?

They all looked at me and grinned, I crossed my arms and tapped my foot "It's my job again? Oh come on! Suho and Kris are the leaders so why not choose them?!"

"Jaebaaalll~ Do it for Jae-ah." Defeat. That's all I can say right now. I sighed and went to our room, EXO-M's room. But She's not there.

The moment I got down, I saw her. Beaming with happiness. Her smile is really precious for me that I don't want it to fade.

I decided not to disturb her so I just stood behind the stairs. "Leggo Chiru-kun~" She said cutely and the dog just followed.

She sat on the couch with the dog-- err I mean Chiru. She folded her arms on the arm rest of the sofa and lay her head. Then after few minutes, She fell asleep.

I sat on the couch and decided to watch TV. But after 10 minutes, She began trembling and murmuring things that I don't even understand.

I shake her shoulders but still, She won't wake up, Instead tears starts flowing on her eyes. What's happening Jae-ah?!

I patted her back and stroke her hair to make her calm down. Good thing She calmed down. Why so fast? I leaned her head on my shoulder and I continued watching TV.



hey der! EXO-L FOR THE WIN! XDDD Mian for the Short update :( I'll make the next chapter long. AJA!


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