7| Developing feelings

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it's because I always visit my friend in the hospital so I really didn't even had the time to go online in wattpad/facebook/twitter because of that. So i'm so sorry.

I hope you will all understand =3=

It's been a week since I haven't updated or opened my account, Oh well. I'm here already chilling, so I'll update again. FINALLY! Okay. Let's go on with the story since that's all I have to say.




After the long trip to Mye and Jae's house, they all said goodbye to the two girls.

"See you again, Mye and Jae. See you again next time we meet. " Luhan said cutely while waving goodbye.

"Yeah, Until we meet again! Annyeong!" Suho said as he pouted. "BYE!" Baekhyun said bubbly and waved both of his hands, then all of them said goodbye.

"Okay okay we get it. We will see each other again tomorrow." Jae said while waving her hand.

"Yup. Don't forget us eh?" Mye said while sticking out her tounge.

"Of course! why would we forget the two of you, you're our groupmates now!" Chanyeol said being flirty, at the same time, serious.

"Okay, it's time for us to go home now. BYE GUYS!" Jae said and waved and ran to their her house while Mye, in poker face while walking to her house.


It's hard for me to see her away from me. It's too lonely without the two girls, mostly her. She always brightens up my day, She's always by my side and I just pretend I'm okay by smiling always, acting all childish. I hope we will meet soon again, I know from the start that I will fall inlove with her, and it's true. I already fell inlove with her and this is the greatest feeling I've ever had... I Like Her.

*Third Person's P.O.V*

EXO's van started to drive away and finally got to SME for an half hour. There was silence, nobody dare to speak even a word "...It's too quiet without them..." Lay said while sighing and sat on the chair.

"I know, and now, I want them both back." Kai said pouting "The silence is making me crazy! can someone make a joke?!" Luhan said, looking at Chen. Chen shrugged "I got nothing." Then pouted. "If kiddnapping is legal, then I would kidap the two." Tao said while scratching his head "Tao. I'm not amused." Luhan said "I'm not even joking Hyung!" Tao said sitting beside Lay.

"They have schools so we can't help it!" Kris said while crossing his arms. "Okay, I've had enough of this silence! I'll just go to the park." Xiumin said and stumble out of their room.

"Okay, anyone wants to stop Hyung from going?" Baekhyun said sighing and all of them just looked at Baekhyun with bored expression. "I'll just cook dinner." Kyungsoo said bluntly and Lay just followed him. "I'll help

" Lay said and they both went to the kitchen to cook dinner for them all.

*after an hour, at the park*

"Why did I go here on the first place?" Xiumin said talking to himself. He then suddenly caught a glimpse of Jae, His eyes grew big and looked for it to confirm if it's really Jae. "Jae-ah? Is that you?" Xiumin said going near a girl in the fountain alone while sighing deeply.

"..." the girl didn't answered but just looked at Xiumin. "Xiumin? why are you here?" The girl said asking Xiumin while sighing once again. "Are you okay?" Xiumin said going quickly to Jae and patted her head.

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