8| A Sweet Escape from the Sasaengs

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As far as I've seen, Suho is top 7 on the trending list yesterday just because of that false rumors that He's slapped by a sasaengs and Baek being angry.

The true story is that, Suho have a pimple on his left cheek so he tried to hide it using his hand and Baek being angry because the fans said that he dropped something but the truth is that the fans just want to picture Baek that's why Baek got pissed off and intends to go near the fan.

And their comback MV *O* I can't wait! It will be a BAD BOY CONCEPT! KYAAA!

Okay that's the story. So since that's all I need to say I'll start with the story.

Oh wait, NEXT WEEK IS CHUMIN OPPA'S 24TH BIRTHDAY! *le self-celebrate* Thank you everyone for reading my story, Happy 1,000th reads guys! Okay that's all thank you!


*Third Person's P.O.V*

Suddenly, When they are about to reach the school's gate, Sehun's janitor cap flew off and making his face and hair revealed. "Hey Was that Sehun?!" One of the girl said to her classmates and peeked outside their classroom to see 14 janitors walking to the schools gate for escape then before they know it, sawrming of fans we're chasing them.

"EXO! Saranghae!" the other girl said and ran to the 14 janitors who is frightened "Yo." Sehun said while making the peace sign and all of them facepalmed "Sehun...you...Ugh nevermind. Let's just run for our lives!" Baekhyun said while taking off his janitor cap and uniform same with the broom he was holding.

"Okay, in 3, 2, 1 RUN!" Baekhyun added after he finished same with all of them and ran fast while the fans and sasaengs running to their full speed.

"AH! THEY'RE SCARY!" Tao shouted and ran as fast as he could. "I can't run that long! let me take a break!" Mye said and looked at Jae who looks tired of running too, they all hid near a big tree.

"I think this is the day that we should all say goodbyes to one another. Because we will be killed by THAT." Suho said and pointed to the sasaengs who have knives with them "Seriously, This is not funny anymore. I think i'll just quit being a kpop star." Lay said "Oh no! I still wanna live!" Chanyeol said while hugging Kai and Kai just patted Chanyeol's shoulders.

"What are we going to do now?!" Luhan said trying to be manly. "I think we need to split up our ways because we will be easily found if we are all together." Kris said while rubbing his chin. "Nice idea hyung." Kyungsoo said showing his perfect heart-shaped lip smile. "I kennot! I'm really still a fangirl deep inside me!" Mye said covering her red face.

"Shin-ah, Don't worry, We're the same." Jae said while her ears we're Obviously red. "Two tomatoes are with us now." Xiumin said "Am I so irresistable for the two of you became red?" Kai said winking "Shut up Kai. Atleast be serious today okay?" Chen said "Oh. Strong words coming from Chen the troll." Baekhyun said and Chen just pouted.

"You guys wanna die now? if you want i'll throw you all to the sasaengs." Kris said smirking and all of them widened their eyes open and looked at Kris. "I'm listening!" Chanyeol said and all of them just nodded and Kris sighed, "Okay. We will all be in pairs, Remember to keep your phones on and contact me if you already reached the School gate okay?" Kris said and picked the pairs "WHAAAA?!" Mye and Jae shouted together while their faces red

"Omo why?" Suho asked the two girls "Gosh. My pair is Kyungsoo?!" Mye said looking at the pouting Kyungsoo beside her. "Eh? You don't like me?" Kyungsoo said cutely while making a cute pout "Nope. You're my 2nd bias, so why would I not take this chance?" Mye said sweating "E-eh? I'm not your first bias? who is your first bias?" Kyungsoo asked and Mye looked at Sehun who is in poker face and blankly staring at the air "Him." Mye said while pointing to Sehun.

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