Chapter 7: JoJo vs Dio. Lust for a Rose

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The sun was setting and Viola had told Jonathan that she needed to get home soon as she had promised to cook with Erina tonight. Jonathan nodded and the two agreed to meet up again tomorrow. With one last hug, the two bid each other goodbye. Things could've ended there. Happy and simple. However, a certain someone wasn't going to let them have that luxury. Dio stood at the tree, placing a hand on the carving Jonathan had made. He then turned his sights on the red-haired girl as she walked down the path with a smile. Dio had asked around about Viola, and was told by many that she was not like the others. She was a rebellious, independent girl and that she was trouble. But somehow, she appeared to be happy with her relationship with the young Joestar.

Now that he saw her in person, he was momentarily amazed at how beautiful she was. Her? Trouble? Heh, what nonsense. She's just a normal girl in love, and with the right move, her world will crumble down. Still having a beauty like that around does sound appealing. Viola walked down the path as she decided to go the rest of way by foot as she let Michaelis go to be with his herd. During her walk, she was smiling wide as she thought about her beloved JoJo when an unfamiliar boy came out nowhere, blocking her way. A boy with blonde hair, orange eyes and held an intimidating look. She glanced behind him and saw the same two boys that would bully Erina.

Viola didn't like the feeling she got from this boy, so she went on the defensive. "You're name wouldn't happened to be Viola Rose, would it?" He asked. Viola sharpen her stare. "It might be. Who are you?"

"My apologies, I forgotten to introduce myself." He said in a 'friendly' tone and he gave a bow. "My name is Dio Brando." Her eyes widened at his name. Dio? That name belongs to JoJo's adopted brother, the very same who has been tormenting him all this time.  Jonathan had told her a thing or two about him. She gave Dio a cold glare and said, "Ah, so you're Dio. I've heard about you from Jonathan before." He smirked. "Did he?"

"Yes. He didn't say much, but I know how much you've done to make him suffer." Viola told him. She didn't have time to waste on someone like him, so she picked up the pace and began to walk away from him. But not before getting up in face and giving him a rather subtle promise. "Look, I don't care about you in the slightest. However, I won't allow you to cause any more pain to Jonathan, if you do then you'll have to answer me." She said as she gave him a glare so chillingly, it actually send shivers down his spine. Dio's eyes widened in slight shock. Who on earth was this girl? Most would cower in fear in the presence of a strange man. They would be too scared to even speak, let alone make a threat like that. But this one...she held no such fear.

Before she could get away, Dio said, "You and JoJo, you make such a smart-looking couple. Really, I should've guessed as much. Try as I might to ruin his life, young master Jonathan has been oddly happy as of late." Viola stopped in her tracks and she turned to face him. She had barely met him less than two minutes and already he was beginning to annoy her. "Our relationship is none of your business. I don't know what is your problem, but go find something else to do other than toying with people's lives, you disgusting ratbag." She said as continued on. Again, Dio was shocked. This insolent woman! Does she not know fear or hesitation! dare she speak to him like that?! Dio grabbed her wrist and brought her back to him.

"Let me g-!" Was all Viola was able to say before Dio forcibly kisses her. Viola's widened in pure shock from his sudden actions. What the hell is this bastard doing?! The boys behind stared in disbelief at them. "He...He did it!!" They shouted. Viola let out a muffled scream as she tried to pry this lunatic off of her, ripping a part of his shirt in the process. The boys were cheering for Dio as he finally did the one thing that no one else did; Putting Viola in her place. "Give her the what for! The trouble I get into with her if I was brave as Dio! He just does what he wants, devil may care!" One of the boys called out.

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