Chapter 8: The fight had just begun

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"AAAAHHHH!!" A woman screams into the dark night. Screaming at the top of her lungs for someone, anyone to help her. But she was all alone. Well...completely alone. He was there for her. He was there with her at that night. And he was there to put her out of her misery. The woman laid on the streets of London in a pool of her own blood. Twitching as she struggled to stay alive...but that that was meaningless. Staring down her body, her killer smirked while she slowly, and painfully die. This man was none other than...Jack the Ripper. 

Seven years had passed, it was now the year 1888. Jack the Ripper stalked the streets of London. Murdering women in the night and holding the entire city in his thrall. However, he was nothing compared to the horror that feud between Jonathan and Dio would unleashed upon the world. And it involves the Stone Mask. The same mask that would ignite the flames of chaos and destiny. Elsewhere, a battle was taking place. A battle that would decided the very fate of both parties... at a local university named Hugh Hudson Academy. There, a rugby match was in progress and near the finishing end.

A player kicked the ball high into the air. It looked like the other team were about to grab it, but then came a man,who stood above the rest, went it, jumped up and grabbed the ball from the air. "Interception!" The announcer yelled in excitement as the crowd of spectators cheered and screamed in joy. "The ball is plucked out of the air by our hero, Jonathan Joestar!" With the ball in hand, Jonathan wastes no time in running to the other teams goal. "Joestar, a gentle giant in 195 cm, sprints for triumph with a spirited roar! Can he win this, the last game in his university career?!" A player from the other team came in and tackled Jonathan from behind, attempting of slowing him down. Oh, but good ol' JoJo wasn't so easily swayed. He smirked as he kept on going.

"He's tackled from behind! Wait, he's still standing tall! Two more fly in!" Two players came and grabbed on to his waist and back. But even with three, combine with his own size and strength, Jonathan kept on going. Dragging the three with him. Seeing his determination and strength made the crowd go wild. Amongst the audience, a woman kept her eyes solely on Jonathan. She cheered for him the loudest. "Incredible, he's still making for try line! Undaunted, by the men who dogged his steps! What power, what determination! He's Hercules reborn!!"

"Go for it, JoJo!!" The woman cheered. Just then a fourth player comes in and gets the jump on Jonathan. With the extra weight on him, Jonathan began to slow down and began to sway to the side. Jonathan knew that if he keeps this up then he'll cost his team the game. He glanced over and saw his teammate running at the side, waving his arm, signalling he was open. Jonathan took the ball and flung it away. The ball was now in the hands of... "The ball lands safe in the hands of Dio Brando! It's still anyone's game!" Two players tried to get the jump on him too, but Dio proved to be too fast as he easily dodged them. He kept on running, dodging two more players as he getting closer and closer to the try line. Nothing was in his way! "He's done it! There's nothing left between Dio and the try line, and still he gives it his all!"

With one jump, Dio manages to slam the ball into the try line, claiming the victory for his team and his school! They had done it! They won the final match before graduation! Their team came in and held Dio up and he smiled big, spreading his arms wide and laughing. "Yes! They did it! On the last play, they snatched victory out of the jaws of defeat! What teamwork. When JoJo and Dio work together, there's nothing they can't do." Jonathan ran up the others, and Dio saw him coming and got back down. The two men claps their hands in a sign of friendship. "Hell of a pass, JoJo." Dio praised.

"All for not if you hadn't run it in like you did."

"Watching you drag those defenders, I couldn't just let you down."

"Jonathan!" A woman's voice rang in. The two men turned and both smiled. Running towards them was a gorgeous young woman with long, red hair. Jonathan spread his arms as the love of his life jumped and gave him a big hug. She stood on her toes and placed a kiss on his cheek. "Jonathan was simply amazing! You were incredible." She said. Jonathan laughed. "Thank you, Viola." She then turned to Dio and hugged him as well. "Dio, I didn't think you could move that fast. I was blown away at how you could dodge four men at once." Dio laughed as he placed a hand on her head. "Well, it's thanks to a certain someone who's been keeping track of our progress for this moment." He said. "Dio's right. Thank you Viola." Jonathan said as the three came together for a group hug.

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