Chapter 17: 🌹Red Like Roses. Part 2🌹

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"I don't understand it! Narissa was a lady, a fine and elegant lady... So why?! Why would the child she bore be one so unnatural and wrong?" Her father said as he glared at her. Viola, though was shocked at his words as they were ominously the very same he said to her when he kicked her out, reasoned with herself that this wasn't actually her father, but an illusion that Snaptrap had somehow created.

Narrowing her emerald-green eyes, Viola gripped her sword and rose up to kick him in the stomach. She felt muscle and bones from that kick. Ah, so that's it. Snaptrap must've shape-shifted in his image. As her "father" was knocked back, Viola readied her defensive position. "I don't know what you were planning when you turned into that bastard of a man, but it hardly puts a dent to my purpose of ending you." She said.

Snaptrap/her father laughed as he rose slowly up to his feet and he stared back her wide-eyed. "Oh, my dear, sweet, little lady. I'm just getting started. So many fears... so many demons inside. And we're just getting to the good part. I never would thought that this man would think so little of you, the daughter he had created... you'd think he'd be more accepting of your change." He said as the mist was swirling around them and was getting thicker. 

The mist moved around Viola as her mind began to recollect her bitter memories of her father. She groaned in pain as she felt her head pounding, her mind getting a little hazy. Why did she feel dizzy all of a sudden? She shook her head to clear her senses. Focus, Viola! You can't let this lunatic get to you. It was a cheap trick for him to use the image of her father to taunt her. But...damn it, was it a good one. Just thinking about that man makes her blood boil.

Viola grit her teeth as she cracked an eye open. Yeah... He should've been more accepting. She... she told him that she had to protect Erina, and she couldn't do so by acting like a lady. She knew that her sister was so kind and fragile, he should've understand! "Papa!" A small child voice spoke out. Viola's eyes widened as she turned around and saw... her younger self running to hug her father as he just arrived from work. Mr. Pendleton was exhausted but he smiled bright as he saw his precious little girl. "Ah! There's my little Red Butterfly, look how big your wings have spread!" He said as he lifted her up high in the air.

Viola stared at the scene with sad eyes. Ah...she remember that day, seeing her father smile at her was something that was filled her heart with joy. Viola almost smiled when suddenly the scene quickly changed. No longer was there a happy moment, but one she thought she had forgotten completely. Ten-year-old Viola was knocked to the floor after receiving a harsh slap from her father. She had come home covered with dirt and scratches. When asked what happened, she told him that she had beaten up three boys were bullying Erina. He didn't care for the reason, just the fact that she was in a fight was enough to anger him.

"You stupid girl! What were you thinking!!" He yelled at her. "Those boys are the sons of a my patients! If they find out about this, they'll take me to court! How could you do this to me!! Answer me, you wench!" Viola was shaking with anger. She was trying to protect Erina and that was how he reacts? As she glared at him, Viola had no doubt that if she had done nothing, her father would still get angry with her. But she didn't care what he thinks. As long as Erina-. "It must be tough having a sister like that? How do you handle it?"

Viola turned around and saw Erina, young at twelve-years-old, taking to a few girl. By how they're dressed, it looked like they were at a party. While the girls were transparent, Erina was solid and looked to be really standing. "I don't know. But honestly... I sometimes don't understand how we're even related." ...What..? "I mean, Viola used to be a sweet girl but she's far too wild for society. I don't think I handle the fact that we're related by blood." Erina said. Viola's eyed widened in shock. What..? No... That's a lie. Erina... Erina would never say that. Erina was her little sister and dearest friend. Viola would lay down her life for her and Erina knew that. Erina looks up to her, she could never... "I can't believe you two are even sisters. Nothing about you two are even remotely alike to each other." One girl said.

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