Chapter 21: I do...

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It has been two weeks since the Windknight's Lot incident. Dio was now dead and as a way to erase his existence, the four Hamon users and Speedwagon had burned Dio's clothing to ash. The following morning, Speedwagon took the mask and used his sledgehammer to smash the Stone Mask. Reducing it to pieces so that no one will be able to use it again.

 But now it was time for a celebration. In just twenty-four hours, Jonathan and Viola were finally going to be married. Something that Jonathan had dreamed of and what Viola had never thought she wanted. Within these two weeks, everything had been set up and were ready to get started. The couple had made the necessary invitations for those they wanted to come and celebrate with them, but because this was union between a nobleman and a wild child, that meant that their wedding was a very big deal. That and Viola was rather popular. So most people wanted to come to their wedding out of curiosity or because they were friends with the red-haired woman.

Right now, Viola was sitting in their bedroom and currently cleaning the blade of Luck and Pluck. Before they left, Viola went back to pick up the pieces of the broken sword and took it back with her to have it be repaired. It was a simple fix and it was returned to her in only two days. The events of Windknight's Lot was still very surreal and it almost seem like it was a bad dream. It was very hard to believe they had fought for the safety of all of humanity.

Viola was brought out her thoughts when she felt two strong arms wrapped around her protectively. The sudden contact made her cry out in surprise. "I didn't mean to scare you." Jonathan said as he plants gentle kiss on her neck. Viola quickly relaxed, put down the sword and leaned back into him. "Are you alright? You appeared to be somewhere else."

Viola held his arm and nodded. "I'm fine. It's just..." She gave a small laugh. "I can't believe the events that happened were real... I can't believe we're getting married. It's all too much to take in, my heart's about to burst." Jonathan smiled and held her close. He felt the same way. Their lives were once normal, but it quickly took a bizarre turn and it lead them to becoming extraordinary people.

It was all insane and bizarre, but neither Jonathan and Viola couldn't have asked for a better pathway in life. It was because of it that allowed them to meet, fall in love, fight together, protect each other, and survived together in the end. Though...they can only wish that whatever child they'll have would have a more peaceful life. The thought of a child made Viola blush as she asked, "Jonathan..? If we were blessed with a child, would you like it to be a boy or a girl?"

Jonathan hadn't expected her to ask something like that, but he smile and said with confidence, "Whether we have a boy or a girl, I just want them to be healthy and happy upon their birth." Viola let out a laugh. Of course he'd say that. "I supposed you have a point." She said as she turned around and gave him a loving hug, which he gladly returned. "I love you, Jonathan. Nothing will change that."

"And I love you, my beautiful Red Butterfly. No force on earth will ever tear me away from you."

They pulled away from each other and gazed into the others eyes. Jonathan reached up and brushed her bangs off her face. The couple leaned in and kissed, filled with passion and love. Viola wrapped her arms around him as Jonathan gently pushed her down on the bed until he was on top of her kissing her. They both opened their eyes and trained on each other. Jonathan cupped her cheek and smiled. A red blush colouring his cheeks. Viola smiled back and allowed her arms to fall beside her. Jonathan was well aware that this was such an ungentlemanly act. But being with his was fun to be rebellious once in a while. The rest of their time during the night was spent getting to know each other better in every sense of the word. It was a night of tangle of limbs, heated moans, and a flurry of sensations that neither of them had never felt before.

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