Chapter 9: From enemy to friend

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The next morning, just after the crack of dawn, Jonathan goes to his father to check on him. Accompanying him, were four highly skilled doctors. "I'll be back from London in a few days, father. Till then, accept medicine only from the hands of these doctors and no one else." He told him. From here, he can relax a little since he knows that Dio wouldn't try anything now, since he figured him out. And with these doctors around, taking care of his father, he will not be getting too close to him.

The old butler, who was standing by George's bedside, was saddened by the fact that he would not be needed anymore. "Master JoJo said he doesn't want me to bring it up?" He said. Aw, the poor dear looked liked he was going to cry. "Yes. We will do as JoJo has instructed us." George tells him. He looked over to his son and said, "His reasons are a mystery to me, but I trust the boy with my life." His voice cut off by a horrid cough. "Thank you father." Jonathan said. He has too figure out what exactly Dio had been giving him this whole time and fast. His father's illness was getting worse. But he'll be damned if he'll lets his father die. He won't allow it, Jonathan will protect his family, no matter what.

With a promise to returned safely, Jonathan dons on an outfit made up of a padded jacket and pants, complete with a deerstalker cap and a long cloak. Viola was seeing him out, but she held his arm before he went to the carriage. "Jonathan, please let go with you." She said to him. "Viola, I know you're worried about me but I need you to stay here with father and keep him company. Can I trust you do that?"

"Only if I trust you won't do anything reckless." She smiled at him as Jonathan gave a slight chuckle. The two shared a goodbye kiss and he was off to London find the origins of the poison. Watching them from the upper windows, Dio stood there with his arms crossed and with a smirk. "Whatever you may learn in London about the poison, I'll see you take the truth of it to your grave." He said as he walked away from the window. "Your death will be the perfect crime." He went to Jonathan's room and looked through each corner to see if he could find any of Jonathan's notes. He knew what he was looking and wondered where it could be. He began checking his desk when he noticed that the bottom drawer was locked. Thinking that he had found it, he took the letter opener from the desk and used it to force it open. He found the Stone Mask along with Jonathan's book filled with his notes.

Dio took a seat on the chair as he began to read through the notebook. Reading his theories, possible origins and what it was made for. Dio didn't forget that incident seven years ago. Though is only for a second, he saw how the mask reacted. "Seven years ago, this mask reacted to my blood. The spikes hidden within will make short work of JoJo's brain. His injuries will be so unique, there'll be nothing at all to tie it back to me." He said. "JoJo, your curiosity will lead to your destruction." His plan was set. Dio will put the Stone Mask on Jonathan and kill him with it, so the police would just think it was a research accident due to Jonathan's notes instead of murder. He placed the mask back in its place and left the his room, just in time to see Viola to walk up the stairs.

The two stared at each other for a moment, before Viola sharpen a glare and quickly left. All Dio could do was smirk at her as he walked away. Two days had passed, but there was no word from Jonathan. He hasn't returned home yet and Viola was getting worried if he got into any trouble. She kept her promise as she stayed by George's side and took of him if he needed her. When she was on her own, she would sit and wait by the foyer, staring out the window for his returned. Viola could only pray that her beloved Jonathan was safe and sound. "You are so devoted to him." A voice chimed in. Viola turned her head as she saw Dio standing on the stair, looking down at her.

Viola glared at him before turning away. "You're worried about JoJo, aren't you?" He said as he slowly walked down the stairs and towards her. "Maybe. But I know that Jonathan's alright. He'll come back." She said in a strong voice. Dio said nothing as he continued to stare at her. Lust was burning inside him. Every time he saw her or worse, seeing her in Jonathan's arms, he felt more irritated and his obsession over her grow in a astronomical level. It was getting harder to suppress it. "Honestly, I'm happy you're here and not with him." He said as he was only a few feet away.

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