Chapter 16:🌹Red Like Roses. Part 1🌹

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"JoJo! Behind you!" Viola shouted. Jonathan quickly whips around and saw the giant knight Tarukus suddenly standing right behind him. "Tarukus!" Before anyone could do anything, Taruku goes smashes Burford's armour beneath his foot with a sadistic smile on his face. Breaking it to pieces. Shocked at what he had done, Jonathan shouts out, "You villain! That was the armour of a steadfast friend and comrade! He died with honour and dignity!"

"HE DIED LIKE A SPINELESS DOG!" Tarukus shouted as Jonathan was rejoined by his team. "He was too clever by half, liked winning his fights by thinking. I just hit 'em until they fall to pieces! What use have I got for clever? I carry a sword as tall as a man! None of you will get an easy death! UYYYURRY!" He yelled as he struck his massive sword into the ground, causing it to split apart. Eventually causing the entire cliffside to collapse! Poco's hiding spot was broken down and he slipped off the cliff, had he been good as dead if Jonathan hadn't caught him in time. If them potentially falling to their deaths wasn't bad enough, Tarukus was now charging towards them like a mad bull. Will then looked down and saw that they were standing under a bunch on dead leaves. A lightbulb went on in his head. "JoJo! Señora Rose!"

"Yes, sir!" Together in perfect unison, Will, Jonathan and Viola have combined their Hamon to create a giant hang glider in the shape of a spade from the leaves and ordered for Speedwagon and Poco to hop on. The two quickly did so and once they held their tight grip, they jumped off the cliff. Leaving Tarukus behind, barely missing his sword and use the wind to guide them to safety. Being the child that he was, Poco was amazed by the fact that their were actually flying. 

"We're flying! I can't believe it! I bet you're magicians, huh!? You have to be, right? How did you learn to do all these neat spells in the first place?" Poco asked them.

"Damn good question!" Speedwagon said. "I've been watching them do it and I still pinched myself! Oi, Baron. What's the story? We aren't getting anywhere! How on earth DID you pick all this mumbo jumbo?" When he asked, Baron Zeppeli had gone silent. He knew that they were curious to know how he had come across this otherworldly technique... but he didn't want to say. He didn't want to tell them out of fear that he might cause them great worry. Will cared about his comrades too much to do that to them. After all, it was his burden to bear. He knew of his fate and he accepted it with no hesitation. When Will become oddly silent from his question, Speedwagon had gotten worried. "Baron?" He called out. Suddenly they all heard the sound of rushing winds. Speedwagon started to get even more worried and nervously asked the Hamon users, "So... That sound? That's part of Hamon doing its thing, yeah?"

Jonathan's eyes widen. "Hardly!"

"Look out! It's Tarukus!" Poco shouted as they turned and saw the undead knight had leaped after them with an animalistic roar. "He's insane! Leaping from that height just to keep chase to his foes!" Will said. Tarukus roared again as he landed onto of the glider, breaking it apart only a bit before he was blown away by the Hamon energy. "There's a goodly amount of Hamon holding these leaves together, you brute. Painful to the touch for the undead." Will said to him. 

Out of the corner of his eye, Jonathan spotted a building that was seemed to be built on the side of the raven. "What's that?" Jonathan asked. Poco looked over his shoulder and saw the structure as well. "That's where the knights used to train back in the olden days." Poco answered. Thanks to Tarukus, his initial attack had really put a dent in their glider so it was only a matter of time before the leaves give out. "Leap to safety everyone! Before we get swatted out of the sky!" They moved in closer and once they did, they let go of their glider and jumped onto a balcony that was presented with a steel, heavy door. While they had managed to drop in safely, Tarukus wasn't. With nothing to support him, Tarukus rammed straight into the wall head first!

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