11. I Am Not His Son

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There was a knock at the door. "Room service," said a voice. Vikram opened the door. In front of him were three faces, red with anger, ready to murder him. 

Priya pushed him inside and entered the room. She rolled her sleeves and slapped Vikram. "This one is from your mother," she said. Vikram stared at her and was rewarded two punches on his stomach. "These are from your father." Vikram fell on the ground. He could not understand what was happening. 

"And now my turn," said Priya. She punched him, slapped him, kicked him. Showing no mercy on him, she beat him black and blue. Vikram did not defend. He was too shocked to defend. He just looked at her, accepting every blow she gave him. 

Anjali moved forward and stopped Priya, giving her a glass of water. Rahul helped Vikram get back on his foot. A bleeding lip, aching hand, black eye - this was what Vikram got as a reward of break-up. He spoke, "Why are you here, Priya?

Priya looked at him and said, "To ask you if you will tell me the reason of breaking up with me or should I murder you?" "Go away," said Vikram. Rahul spoke sternly, "She needs to know." Vikram shook his head and said, "No. There is nothing for her to know." "Tell her Vikram," said Rahul. Vikram shook his head again. 

Priya looked at the friends and said, "Tell me or tomorrow's headlines will be 'Prateek Khanna's son found....." She could not complete her sentence as Vikram screamed, "I AM NOT HIS SON.

The girls looked aghast. Vikram spoke, "I am not his son. No. I am not." Rahul tried to hold him but was pushed away by Priya. She hugged Vikram and let him sob. Priya rubbed his back and quietly asked him, "What happened?"

Vikram broke the hug and looked into her brown eyes. They offered him comfort, love, confidence. The friends sat down on the bed and Vikram started speaking. 

"It was my nineteenth birthday. My parents had given me a surprise party. They had done everything that could make me happy. The party ended. I went towards their room to thank them and..." Priya rubbed his hand and he continued.


Prateek and Aneeta were resting on their bed and talking. Aneeta said, "Vikram was very happy today." Prateek smiled and said, "He should be. He should get all the happiness of the world.

They fall into a comfortable silence and then Aneeta says again, "Sometimes, I think what would happened if we would no have found him that day. You remember?"

Prateek nodded and said, "Yes. I can never forget that small child. He was one year old, right?" Aneeta shook her head and said, "No, he was seven months old when we brought him in this house. How happy we were!

Prateek chuckled and spoke, "He had stolen my heart with his smile, in the orphanage. I would have done anything to have him as my son.

They were interrupted by Vikram's voice, "Orphanage?" He had heard his parent's conversation and was shocked to hear the word. He looked at them for an explanation, his heart begging for all this to be a dream. 

But it was not. Their expressions told him that what he heard was true, that he was not the son of Prateek Khanna.

Flashback Ends 

Vikram broke down into fresh tears. Priya rubbed his back. She hugged him and whispered soothing words in his ears. Rahul and Anjali looked at their friends in awe and fake coughed Rahul said, "If you guys want we can leave the room.

Vikram broke the hug and threw a pillow at Rahul. Wiping his tears, he looked at Priya, who spoke, "I don't understand what this has got to do with us?"


So, how is it?

A few chapters to go. Maybe two or three....


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