14. Epilogue

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Vikram-Priya's Room

"Are you kidding me? It is 3 AM in the morning and you want me to cook Butter Chicken? Don't you know that I can't differentiate between spices also," screamed Vikram.

A three-month pregnant Priya huffed and spoke, "I don't care how you will do it. I want to eat Butter Chicken now and now and now....get it for me.

Vikram sighed. They had completed one and half years of their marriage. Priya was still the punching queen and Vikram was used to being her target. But punching Priya was better than this pregnant one. This new one was always demanding things to eat and it was becoming difficult for Vikram to fulfill her demands.

"Where the hell are you lost? Get me my butter chicken. If not for me then at least for your baby, get it," said Priya. Vikram got up from the bed and said, "I doubt that three month old child in your womb can even know what is butter chicken." Priya threw a pillow at him as he ran out of the room.

Outside Prateek and Aneeta's bedroom

Vikram stood outside his parent's room and contemplated whether to disturb them or not. He, then, imagined an angry Priya. Realizing that he has no other option, he knocked the door. 

No response

He again knocked it.

No response

He sighed and thought to himself, "What else do you expect Vikram? It is three in the morning. Everyone must be sleeping."

He took his phone and rang up his mother. Luckily, she answered the call and on hearing his demand, opened the door.

Aneeta asked sleepily, "What do you want at this time, Vicky?" "Butter chicken," said Vikram. 

Aneeta looked at him attentively and asked, "You don't like butter chicken, do you?" Vikram shook his head in no and said, "Your daughter-in-law wants to eat."

Aneeta smiled broadly and walked to the kitchen. Vikram followed her and sat on the kitchen counter, while his mother cooked.

"You never get angry when she asks for all types of food at odd hours?" asked Vikram. 

Aneeta smiled and said, "Nope. Did I not fulfill all your demands when you were young? For her, I will do now. And she is better."

Vikram started at his mother and complained, "I am your son." Aneeta chuckled, "Of course you are. But she was the one who reminded that to you.

Vikram sighed. Two years had passed since Priya had knocked some sense into him, since he had realised that it doesn't matter if he was not the biological son of Prateek and Aneeta Khanna. In these two years, he had tried to fill all the distance he himself had created between him and his parents. It was difficult but all of them worked towards achieving the goal.

The butter chicken was ready. Aneeta and Vikram carried the dishes to Priya.

Vikram-Priya's Room

The mother-son duo entered the room and were shocked at the sight in front of them. Priya was lying on the bed and was fast asleep. Vikram started at her shocked and said, "Some time ago, she wanted to eat butter chicken and now she is sleeping." Aneeta chuckled and left the room with the dishes.

Vikram moved towards the bed and kissed his wife's forehead. He loved her dearly and he knew she loved him too, maybe more than he could imagine. He smiled to himself and laid down to sleep, knowing very well that his wife will be having a new demand as soon as she woke up.

And he was right. Priya's weird demands continued for the next few months. Vikram tried his best to fulfill all of them. This continued till Priya gave birth to a cute little boy, who was named, Vatsal Khanna.


So how is it?

The story has ended now.

And a new one has begun - Murder In The Garden....hope you enjoy it.


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