prologue | in the mist

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'' my heart is soft, my past is rough '' 

'' my heart is soft, my past is rough '' 

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Life was like a never-ending run.

Mijin was starting to get out of breath and her feet ached, but she didn't stop.

She swore to herself that she will never stop and let him, her past, her sins, everything, catch up to her.

The sun was barely beginning to rise up on the sky and an orange light was shining through the clouds of fog. Waves of water were lightly crashing on the sand, flowing around the soles of her old boots and washing away the footprints that she was leaving behind her. A backpack was hanging over her shoulders, her breath was quick and she was starting to feel seriously annoyed by the seagulls that were following her and flying above the ocean. She regretted giving them the remains of the unhealthy hotteok that she bought herself at a food stand before directing herself towards the beach. Her gaze was darting towards the fishing boats in the distance and her dark figure kept steadily walking over the sand.

She couldn't help herself from being suspicious of everything and everyone. You couldn't escape it when you were on the run like she was. It was like all of the sudden everyone was secretly out to get you.

At first glance she seemed like an ordinary morning runner, but if you looked at her more carefully, you could see the way she kept checking over her shoulder a little too often and making sure that no one was following her. Her hands were buried in her pockets, her head was covered by a hood and there was a surgical mask on her face. She knew that nobody was chasing her, but she couldn't help herself from being a little paranoid.

Once you went down the same road as she did, you were constantly persecuted by the fear that somebody was after you. It haunted you every single moment of the day. No matter where you went, you always felt like a pair of eyes was watching you from the crowd.

She was going to walk around a pile of old fishing nets and seaweed without a second thought, but she instantly froze when she saw the hand that was sticking out of it. Her heart started beating faster and a gust of wind blew her hood off her head. Her dark hair raised in the air behind her and it took her a few moments to snap out of her shock and hide her face again.

Something strange got washed up on the beach.

Should I just go?

It's going to be on the news sooner or later anyway.

There was no mistaking it, the pile of what she thought was old fishing equipment definitely had a shape that resembled a human a little too much. She knew that she should not be stopping and getting involved in strange business like that, but she couldn't help herself. She liked to call it her better nature of wanting to help someone in need, but in reality it was just curiosity. That was why she found a stick to push the body that was laying on the sandy beach and turn it on their back. Once she saw the man's face, she felt like her heart just dropped in her stomach.

This guy already did appear on the news.

It was him, there was no doubt, he even had the snake tattoo to prove it.

Byun Baekhyun.

Wrapped up in fish nets and old sea weed, bruised, beaten up and bloodied, was no one else than a presumably dead mafia leader Cobra. Dried blood was covering his skin and clothing, water was flowing around his legs and his eyes were closed. 

She was just as shaken as everyone else when she heard about his death.

What the hell was he doing here instead of being underground?

Whoever killed him definitely started bragging about it a bit too soon, because he doesn't look all that dead to me.

Her hand was trembling when she reached out towards his neck. She wanted to check his pulse, but the moment her fingers touched his skin, the man's eyes suddenly snapped open. He sucked in a breath and she could barely hold herself back from screaming. His gaze immediately turned towards her and she did the first thing that she could think of and kicked some sand in his face. He groaned in pain and struggled to pick himself up on his feet, while she scurried away from him. She was the first to start running and the man tried to stumble after her. He was clearly in pain, half of his face was covered in dried blood and she barely heard his hoarse and quiet voice.

'' Please... Help... I think I... I think I've been shot. ''

He collapsed back on the ground and Mijin stopped running. The wind made a cloud of sand rise up in the air a seagull landed near the wounded mafia leader. The girl was having an internal battle, unsure if she should help him or not.

She was hiding really well for the past couple of months, but when she thought of the man's dark eyes once again, she threw all of her rules out the window.

'' I can't just leave him... Can I? No, no, I definitely can't. ''

She slowly turned her head and looked at the collapsed man. His blood was beginning to stain the sand and she couldn't help it but to wonder how he even survived until she found him. That meant that he was strong, so in the end she made a decision in his benefit. He wasn't going to be a burden to her, so she could take him along and see how it would go.

I guess I could use a companion, at least until I adapt to being in Incheon again.

That was how a runaway girl ended up lifting an unconscious mafia leader on her shoulders and slowly carrying him forward down the beach. Her phone was pressed to her ear and an annoyed female voice was already lecturing her about how she probably just made a terrible decision by not just leaving the criminal to die exactly where she found him. Mijin was in a bit of a rush and she had plans of her own, but at the end of the day she couldn't help it but to try and be a good person.

'' Stop yelling at me, there's a good chance that he'll die from bloodloss before I even get him off this beach and at worse case scenario, I can sell him to a police bounty hunter, a hitman or something like that... This idea totally not going to backfire sometime in the future. ''

'' Right, it totally won't, just like most other decisions you make in your life, '' a girl sarcastically answered from the other side of the phone. '' You know, I was just about to say that perhaps you will get in to Heaven after all, but never mind. You are totally planning to use this guy for your own benefit. I mean, he probably deserves it, but still. Just hide somewhere and wait for Joy to come pick you up. You can come meet me in the afternoon. ''

The sun rose over Incheon beach and the girl and the half dead mafia leader disappeared in the misty morning once again.

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