five | a fisherman's trap

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'' i want money, power and glory

i want money and all your power, all your glory ''

i want money and all your power, all your glory ''

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His life was all about kilograms of dope and stolen cars.

Sex. Money. Murder.

I always stayed in the shadows, but when I got a taste of that lifestyle, I had to admit that I understood the appeal that it had to it.

Byun Baekhyun was slowly gaining back his strength and looking more and more like himself. I couldn't help it but to look at him in a different light when I saw him in a pure black suit once again. His dark hair was combed to the side and exposing his forehead, making his gaze seem sharper. His face was serious when he was watching me adjust his tie for him and I could't deny the powerful aura that was radiating off him. My gaze stopped on the snake tattoo that was on the side of his neck before I raised my head and looked at him. We were staring deep in to each other's eyes before the corner of my mouth twitched in amusement and he slowly nodded.

We were ready to conquer the night.

Everything changed when Baekhyun managed to regain the access to some of his money. He gave a large sum to Mark, who allowed us to stay in his apartment for a while, an even larger one to Seulgi, so that she could buy herself a new motorcycle and payed Minseok and the boxing club leader that helped him get some of his men back from prison. It was almost fascinating to see Dragon and Cobra stand in front of each other and look in to one another's eyes. The tension was high in the air and no one was prepared to lower their gaze and admit that they were the weaker one. In the end Minseok stepped back and warned him not to try to make him bow his head. They had a common goal to take down Python, but he still would never accept orders from anyone.

'' I'm just saying, there was no reason for you to get so mad when I suggested that makeover. I'm a man with expensive taste and if you are by my side, you can think like that too, '' Baekhyun mumbled while we made our way down the gravel road that lead between the abandoned garages. The grey buildings were covered with graffiti, posters, advertisements for different restaurants and remains of old police tape. There were no lights illuminating the street and I could hear the sound of a police sirens that was in the distance. '' Sooner or later, the world will find out that Cobra is still alive and when that happens, I would just want to make the best return that I possibly can. ''

I scowled and glared at him from the side. '' How about my reputation? I saved your life and I am staying by your side simply because we have the same goal, which is to take down Park Chanyeol. I am not one of your groupies. I don't have to be walking around in an expensive dress and high heels... Tch. Dragon was right when he said that your face gets a lot more punchable when you start acting like a mafia leader. ''

cobra & python » baekhyun ✓Where stories live. Discover now