ten | cruel intentions

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'' eyeing you from across the room

watching me wa-watching you.

hit and run,

let's hit and run. ''


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Three people.

I was responsible for the death of three people.

There were a lot of criminals with history much worse than mine, but my bad deeds still haunted me. The faces of the people that I killed, I saw them every time I closed my eyes. They were in my thoughts, my nightmares and sometimes I even imagined to see them in the random individuals that passed me on the street. It's been years since it happened, but things like these weren't something that you could just forget. These types of crimes were like a permanent scar on your soul. Something that will never go away.

I still remembered the first man that I killed. I was young, way too young to be roaming the streets in the middle of the night and he thought I would be an easy prey. He wasn't wrong. I was running from the police, I was terrified and I wasn't paying attention. He almost got me, but he didn't know that I was hiding a knife in my pocket. I knew that I would have to fight back if I didn't want something horrible to happen to me, but once I was done, my hands were completely covered in blood.

The second one was a little different. That time he was my prey and I was the one that attacked first. My father, the man who took Chanyeol and I from the streets, was watching from the shadows. After my victim collapsed, I remembered him patting my shoulder and telling me that I was a lot more promising than he first thought.

'' At the rate that you are going, I could probably turn you in to a valuable weapon. ''

My third victim was him. I didn't really kill him, but I did call the police on him. That was why I counted him as one of my victims.

'' Out of all the people in this world, why am I the one that has to be stuck listening to your relationship problems? ''

The sound of Lucas's annoyed voice made me snap out of my thoughts and take my gaze off the skyscrapers that were rising in the air in front of us. The sun was beginning to go up on the horizon and clouds of fog were floating around the buildings. Standing on a rooftop made the sound of traffic a lot more distant and gave us a beautiful view of the sunrise instead.

A bird circled through the air above us before disappearing behind the wall of another building and I leaned on the railing that was going around the rooftop. I crossed my arms on my chest and looked at Lucas, who was clearly tired and hungover. '' That is because you are the only one who actually listens to me without making any shitty excuses and walking away. ''

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