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'' in the land of gods and monsters

i was an angel, living in the garden of evil 

screwed up, scared, doing anything that i needed '' 

screwed up, scared, doing anything that i needed '' 

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The sound of the microwave made me stop scraping blood off my nails and raise my head.

Hiphop music was blasting from the television and I was grinning from ear to ear when I grabbed the cup ramen. My eyes closed and I breathed in the delicious scent before breaking the wooden chopsticks in half and starting to eat. The ramen wasn't the flavour that I would usually go for, but it was the only one that I could find in the kitchen. In the past I would always get scolded by Madame Irene for snooping through people's homes and taking their things, but now that I didn't work for her anymore, I could do whatever I wanted. Or at least, almost whatever. Truthfully, I was still a little scared of her and the rest of her girls, so I preferred to obey to them instead of taking my chances. You could never know when one of them was going to pull a knife out of their sleeve and point it at your throat.

I always thought that Joy was the most normal one in Irene's girl gang, but that day she proved me how just wrong I was. 

There was no real 'normal one' in their friend group, she was just a little more normal in comparison to the others, but there was always one who took up that role in friendships like theirs. I knew very well how they constantly encouraged each other in to doing crazy things. They would probably already be in jail if it wasn't for Irene keeping them under control. 

I was sitting in front of the television, watching the hiphop music videos that were being played on the channel and slurping my ramen. It would be a pretty normal scene if it wasn't for the half dead person that was laying on the kitchen table behind me and the screaming that was coming from the other room. Saving the mafia leader from the beach in Incheon was an impulsive decision and I knew that Irene was probably right when she warned me that I was going to regret not leaving him there. I already almost had to turn back and return there to bury the dead body, when he came dangerously close to dying in my arms.

Byun Baekhyun, also known as Cobra, was in a critical state, but one of Irene's clients managed to save him. The girl was the leader of a small gang of loan sharks and I was lucky that Joy, who worked for her, was just on the way to a doctor that owed them money. I felt a little bad for asking Irene for favours as soon as I came back to town, but she assured me that it was okay. Apparently she only liked it if a man died by her hand, otherwise it was no fun.

The doctor managed to take out the bullet that was still stuck in Baekhyun's leg and stitch the wound together and he told us something that made me stop and think to myself about who exactly was the man that I just saved. That was because Cobra used a knife to take out a bullet from his own chest. I couldn't even imagine how he managed to do that, because just the thought of it was enough to make me squirm in discomfort.

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