thirteen | snitches get stitches

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'' he said to be cool, but I'm already the coolest

I said to get real, don't you know who you're dealing with?

um, do you think you'll buy me lots of diamonds? ''

um, do you think you'll buy me lots of diamonds? ''

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Revenge in the mafia was like a whole art in itself. You had to possess a certain skill to be able to craft the perfect plan. A criminal's revenge was nothing compared to the one of an ordinary person. There were no limitations and you were the one who decided just how bloody and personal you wanted things to be. Most of us decided to go all the way. If you wanted to get revenge, you might as well walk the walk and talk the talk and completely destroy your target.

There was also a certain satisfaction in watching your plans come to life.

'' I don't think breaking in to someone's house is going to make a good first impression, '' Minhyuk thoughtfully murmured and shook his head.

Sungjae raised an eyebrow at his friend and grinned. '' You are saying that, but you are in the middle of making yourself a sandwich from the contents of their fridge. Why do they even have so many cans of cheap coffee? Are we going to have to stay up every night? I don't work well when I get under nine hours of sleep. ''

'' Leaving the spare key under a potted plant is almost like an invitation for any burglar... '' I mumbled and looked around the living room before I sneakily grabbed a handful of coupons that they kept there and stuffed them in my pockets. After that I quickly turned back to Sungjae and Minhyuk and showed them my best innocent smile. '' Not that we're burglars. ''

'' Who even lives here and what are we doing here? '' Sungjae asked and dropped down on the sofa. The three of us just broke in to the house that Mino, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook were doing their secret work from. I told them about the group that was fighting criminals their own way, but I didn't tell them that they were all cops. Sungjae and Minhyuk didn't trust anyone that came from the police station and I knew that they wouldn't want to come if they would hear about their real identities.

Minhyuk awkwardly laughed and said: '' Imagine if this was actually a trap and she took us to a police officer's home to rat us out to your dad and- ''

'' Rio! '' My grin even widened at the sound of Jimin's annoyed screaming. Him, Taehyung and Jungkook just came back from wherever they were and casually strolled inside their house. '' How many times do I have to tell you? If the door is locked and we aren't home, it means that you go away and come back another time! Not invite yourself in! ''

Sungjae's eyes grew wide with shock, while Minhyuk dropped his freshly made sandwich on the carpet, shrieked and pointed at me in shock. The police chief's son crawled back on the couch that he was sitting on, fell over the top and landed behind it. Jimin frowned at the sight of his actions, while Sungjae continued backing towards Minhyuk and screaming: '' It's a trap! This really was all a trap! Why didn't you tell me that you have psychic abilities?! ''

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