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Welcome to the virtual world of Lovers: Boarding School!

Plenty of you have already read the book and are here to see what's the deal with this "guidebook."

Some of you are curious about the book but want to know more about it before delving deep into its insanity.

As your guide for this makeshift story I made on the fly almost half a year ago, I will do my best to delight and entertain you with juicy extras, clever commentary, a e s t h e t i c s, detailed character profiles, and much, much more!

Be aware that there will be "spoilerish" content within this guide, so if you haven't already read Lovers: Boarding School, get to it!

You're missing out!

I got a lot of ideas and a ton more O P I N I O N S so I would appreciate it if you did not steal any of the ideas, plots, and characters present in this story.

If you do plan on copying my story and publishing it as your own, expect to get utterly and irrevocably destroyed by me for the sheer complexity of this story can't be imitated by pathetic feeble minded plagiarists who can't write original content for shit (ㆁ✿)

Just saying.

Do enjoy your time here and don't be afraid to leave a comment if you have O P I N I O N S as well!

Now, let's get "straight into it" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

➡️ enjoy!


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