❤️/East: A Wizard of Oz Parody (Part 2.5/4)

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EDIT: I'm having way too fun with this parody :P Can you believe I'm using this project as writing therapy for Lovers: Boarding School? I'm using writing as emotional therapy from my own writing (QwQ) What has this world come to?


And so Gin the Tin Man joined Violet's merry band of sexy pets. Jack obviously had his doubts about their new ax wielding addition  and he did not hide his distaste of him from Violet.

"Are you sure we could trust him?" Jack asked when they were still balls deep in the forest. Earlier, Jack had taken Violet to the side to privately air his grievances while Gin was stroking Jojo in his arms like a mafia don canoodling with his cat.

"He doesn't seem like a bad guy," Violet replied, smiling, for the billionth time. If you ask me that question one more time I'll put you in a muzzle.

"But he tried to kill me!"

"But he didn't! Look," Violet said, directing Jack to look at Gin. "See how well he's handling that little rat? If Jojo can like him then the guy's gotta be decent." Although, I do like him better when he's indecent...

"But if Jojo likes Scrap Metal," Jack said, thinking deeply, "what does that say about you? Jojo doesn't like you."

"Gin's coming with us Jack. Deal with it."

"Are you guys done gossiping yet?" Violet and Gin turned their sights to Gin who'd managed to tame the demonic long eared shit nugget into submission. It appeared Jojo quite liked this perverted Iron Man.

"S-So there's a 'Great Wizard' in Hazel City?" Violet asked Gin. "What does he do? Run Hogwarts? Operate a boarding school?"

Gin shrugged his shoulders. "Don't know. Most of the people that come through this forest always mention a 'Great Wizard of Goz' in Hazel City before I cut them down."

"C-Cut them down?" Violet's eyes flicked to Jack whose face flashed "I told you he was a homicidal maniac" in neon lights before turning back to Gin. "W-Why would you cut people down?" she stammered.

Gin smiled like a beaming angel sent from above. "It's 'cause I'm bored."

Violet nodded her head stiffly. Is having him piping my pussy really worth the risk of getting chopped into pieces?

As if Gin was able to read her mind, Gin reassured her that he would not do such thing to her lovely self. "Don't worry about getting axed Love," he said as he was walking up to Jack and Violet, "I can relieve my boredom in other ways, if you, and only you, would be so obliging."

This perv. "That sounds great Gin! Does that sound great Jack?" Violet said.

"Hell n--"

"So Gin," Violet said, cutting off Jack, "have you ever been to Hazel City?"

"Nope. Never felt the need to." Then bending forward so his face was an inch away from Violet's, Gin topped it with, "Until now."

"Okay," Jack said, inserting his hand in between the pocket of space separating Violet's and Gin's faces. "Enough of that. Give us back Jojo and let's go already."

"It's not Jojo it's Love," Gin snapped as he brought the sleeping black bunny close to his chest.

"Love?" Violet said, confused. "Don't you call me Love?"

"Yeah. Love Jr. here is our son."

"Jojo is not your child!" Jack roared.

"Well, he looks just like a pet rabbit I had when I was a kid," Gin said, stroking "Love Jr." between its ears.

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