❤️/East: Violet x James vs. a Sex Dungeon (Pt. 3/3)

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Imma dedicate this (HARDCORE) chapter to this CRAZY bish AnimeMadWoman because if everyone loved James as much as she does I would need to file a few restraining orders and go into Witness Protection! I love ya you crazy fangirl (。・ω・。)

Enjoy (FINALLY) the final part of James' story short!

It's been eleven months since the last update ●︿●


This chapter is EXTREMELY graphic. I will provide holy water at the end of this chapter to those afflicted by its EXTREMELY EXPLICIT lemoness.

You've been warned.

When James' vision went black he knew he was fucked. And when he felt the tips of her fingers skim down his body like droplets of water, felt her soft breath by his left ear, felt the heat of her hips press on his lap--James knew he was going to get fucked.

"Doesn't this remind you of that time?" he heard Violet whisper into his ear. As she spoke, he felt her fingers graze his navel before teasing right above the pitched tent of his crotch.

"Fuck!" he hissed, but the gag over his mouth made it such that it sounded like a gurgle.

Losing his ability to move and see so suddenly had converted the frustration and surprise he'd experienced earlier into something else entirely. His exposed, heated skin felt like an unbearably reactive nerve ending on steroids and his heart was about to rip through his rib cage and shoot out of his chest at a thousand miles per second.

"You were so merciless," he heard her whisper into his right ear, causing him to flinch away from her voice in surprise. A second later, he felt a chilly blow into his other defenseless ear and James flinched away again, the hairs on his body raised like a spooked cat's. You evil little nymph!

"But you were so honest then," she teased, her breath tickling the vein of his exposed neck. He felt her kiss along the strained sinew of his throat, her teeth grazing right below his ear right before she nipped his ear lobe. Prickles of pleasure shot from his ear to his groin at the bite and James moaned from under his gag. You will pay for that!

With his ability to know or predict Violet's actions equally impaired, the anticipation that fed into his fear and excitement slowly unraveled his sanity and made it hard for him to remain clear minded. Much to his maligned misfortune, James was fighting a losing battle; every sound and touch he sensed went straight to his groin, the pressure in his pants climbing towards a peak that was growing more and more difficult to hold back.

When Violet's fingers returned to his body, their smooth tips and sharp nails traced unpredictable shapes all over his bared chest. Feeling them drag and caress in odd, incalculable patterns drew sweat from all over his body and whenever they ever so lightly brushed his nipples, James sucked in sharp breaths through whatever space his gag could allow him.

Resist you idiot, James commanded his feeble self control. Don't give in, don't--

James' eyes expanded from under his blindfold when he felt both of her hands wrap around the girth of his cock. Oh fuck.

Biting hard into the hard plastic of the gag, James' fingers dug into the leather padding of the arm rests as he felt Violet wring his length through the tight fabric of his pants.

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