❤️/East: Violet x James vs. a Sex Dungeon (Pt. 1/3)

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This is gonna be so filthy. Oh my Lord.

Congratulations to MelodyBerlin for winning the first quiz to this series of short stories! I hope you like this dedication!

WARNING: If you don't like mild incest (romance between step siblings), tsunderes, fetishes, younger guys dating older women, BDSM, mild angst, just FILTH in general, don't read. Or do read and be filthy, corrupted trash like me (◕ᴗ◕✿)

REMINDER: This is in a different universe than the actual Lovers: Boarding School story. There are some aspects of this short that are (and will be) incorporated to the actual canon of the book, but as it stands right now it's just mindless (and fun) "official" fanfic. Also this story is ROUGH and full of grammatical/spelling/logical errors, so please don't be too harsh on it. It's all just fun. REALLY FILTHY FUN.


"What shall I do with brother dearest today?"

Overcome with boredom from her studies, Violet decided to visit her favourite "diversion" to curb her boredom. It was midterm season and Violet hadn't seen James, her step-brother, in a little over a week.

"He better not be cheating on me," Violet mumbled to herself as she turned a corner. But more often than not, he's probably overworking himself again.

As she skipped her way to his office, the tips of her lips hitched upwards every time she felt wind swish under her shortened skirt.

I wonder how he'll take it?

Humming a little show tune to herself, Violet thought of how she'd taunt him once there, the thought of his stern cold face becoming flustered and delirious with lust deliciously delightful for the incredibly bored girl.

Violet giggled to herself. James hated surprises but she loved giving him plenty of them.

She was almost at the door to his office when its door burst open and a student collapsed on his knees before Violet.

Taken by surprised, Violet flinched back. "What the fuck!"

The student was in a state of distress, his eyes puffy, his body quaking, his chin trembling. When the student craned his neck to see who he'd spooked, his puffy eyes expanded by three sizes and he crawled over the floor to her on his knees and hands.

"Forgive me!" the student pleaded, grovelling at her feet, "I didn't mean to say those things about you, I'm--"

"Did you already forget what I told you, Anderson?" said a bitingly cold voice from the office.

"I'm so sorry James! I'm--"


Like the wind blowing under her skirt, the student breezed past Violet and was out of sight before the girl could make out what was happening.


Violet's eyes widened then flattened into a glare when she recalled who it was that appeared then disappeared before her in a daze.

"Who is it?"

Violet turned her ferocious glare to the open office door. Godammit James.

"James!" Violet said, marching into his spacious office and slamming her hands onto his desk. "Did you do something unnecessary again?"

Not bothering to glance away from the piles of paperwork he was working on, James sat still in his desk, totally unaffected by Violet's abrupt entrance. "Everything I do is necessary," he said, scanning a document before writing his signature on the bottom. "Why does it bother you?"

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