💜/South: _glossary

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There are plenty of terms thrown about in Lovers: Boarding School so here are a few that are specific to the game and the culture of the school in which the game takes place!

*As this story is still incomplete, there will be additions and changes to the glossary as I continue writing this story.*

**Tell me in the comments if I missed any important terminology from the book!**


Cardinal Points (CP; first appeared in "D2+D3"); the unofficial titles given to the four most attractive males in Amantes Mortem Academy. Apart from being physically attractive, the "CPs" as they are named have impressive reputations, often being the "best of the best" in their respective fields or area of interest. They are not a united group of friends (in fact they are the opposite).

the hive (first appeared in "_tea"); a mysterious, highly exclusive cult-like club run by students and some members of the school  faculty within Amantes Mortem Academy. Their membership is exclusive only to those who know of its existence and operate according to a certain code of conduct (will be revealed in Lovers: Boarding School 2 - First Reset).

IMG Visor (Interactive Mirror Gaming Visor; first appeared in "0_o" and explained in "_barriers"); the virtual reality headset Viola uses to access the game Lovers: Boarding School. To know how it works, refer to "_barriers" of Lovers: Boarding School.

Interactive Options (IOs; first appeared in "D:1"); like its name, "IOs" are optional modes of action that serve more as suggestions than mandatory modes of action. They are usually used for (1) shortcuts for actual actions (for example, writing a text or going to where another character is) and (2) when the user does not know what course of action to accomplish within a scene.

LG (Love Gauge; first appeared in "D1"); a black bar gauge with five heart-shaped slots that float above a potential love interest's head. The slots get filled with neon pink hearts as the user progresses through the game and are only accessible (seeable) to the user. How to attain hearts or what their function is in the game are currently a mystery  (will be further discussed in Lovers: Boarding School 2 - First Reset).

NPC (non-playable character; first appeared in "D2+D3"); background characters that are non-playable (meaning they could not be romanced). Their only purposes are to serve as background noise, provide information and items to the user, or to incite a scene or incident that pushes the plot forward.

RL (real life; first appeared in "D1"); the physical, material world in which Viola Lee lives.

scene (first appeared in "_traps"); a plot situation in which the user must accomplish a task to proceed in the game.

VCCU (Virtual Cyber Crimes Unit; first appeared in "_code"); the real life crime unit that deals specifically with crimes related to virtual reality. They have a distinct uniform
that cannot be altered or replicated in virtual reality as their uniform serves as their virtual police badge.

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