Chapter 4: Reminiscing

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I woke up tied to a chair. My head hurt like hell and I was woozy. I tried to break free but I was being restrained.

My ropes were vervain soaked. I look around not knowing where it was. "Hello?!" I scream. "Help!!!"

Then Damon and Stefan came from some stairs. My sight got better,and I saw I was In a living room.

I've never been in here, we used to live in the other house, but one of my old friends told me they moved here.

"Who the fuck are you bitch? Is this funny to you?"

"Who are you?!" I say faking.

"Oh stop, I know you're here to torment us!"

"I ... Please I am a vampire but I don't understand.. That explains the vervain.." I mutter.

"Stefan." Damon said nodding his head signaling for him to do something. I look at my hands.

Shit! My daylight ring is gone!

"Looking for this?" Damon smirked. Holding up my daylight ring.

"Now!" He yelled. Stefan burst open the curtains. I'm burning. " WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?"

"Damon, tell him to close it, please."

"See I knew you know us. Now why are you pretending to impersonate my sister?!"

Stefan closes the curtains. I take a breath and sigh in relief.

"I..I am your sister!" I say weakly. "Alyna Salvatore!"

They glare at me. "She's dead!"

"Katherine turned me!!"

"Lies!" They spat. Stefan threw a cup of vervain on me and tears start shedding. I haven't genuinely cried in years, the burning was too much.

"Please, brothers, stop.." I'm say barely in a whisper. Then they slit my wrist letting my blood fall into a glass. It is going to take me a while to heal.

I am very pale now, and I've honestly never thought my brothers wouldn't believe me, let alone try to kill me.

"Who are you?!" They yell in unison throwing open the curtains..

"I'm Alyna!" I screeched "I was born on May 21st, 1848. You , both used to call me Alybear!" They closed them "Dad hated me for thinking I killed mom! He used to beat me all the time and I would even take blame for your wrongdoings! You'd stop dad, but when Katherine came along, you forgot about me!" Now tears were really going. They were speechless.

"When Id get bearings from dad, you each would take turns in my bed and sing me lullabies to stop me from freaking out . You both hated Brenton Dayton because I was in love with him because  he was a player."

My voice is now cracking because I have no energy. "I am Alyna Alvara Salvatore, Dammit!" I say with no energy. My blood is practically gone and I feel the verge of death about to consume me. I think I'm about to breathe my last breath but my ropes are being untied. I look up and Damon is hugging me, then Stefan. I track for the cup of my blood, chugging it. It gave me barely any energy.

"Baby sister, I've missed you.." Damon says sadly.

Stefan steps in. "Were sorry alybear.. We just can't believe you're here.

"Cut the crap.." I manage to say.

I break from their grip and go toward the door.

"What are you doing?" They cried out. "Were sorry, well take care of you. We Love you!"

Forgotten: A Salvatore SisterWhere stories live. Discover now