Chapter 21

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"Well, well, well... what do we have here...? Looks like a piece of shit is right in front of me. You won't ruin my plans, Nina... not now, not ever."

Nina's POV

Where am I? What happened..? Those words rung inside my head in an endless loop said by a raspy, disgusting voice. Once again, there was something covering my head so I couldn't really distinguish anything. I was tied again, sitting on a metal chair. I knew it was metal because I could feel it with my hands. It was so cold and these slut clothes didn't help at all.

Damn it, Jane. Fuck you.

Suddenly, I heard a door opening behind me and an even colder breeze hit my bare back, but that wasn't what made me shiver. I heard steps behind me and a soft laugh coming closer to me. Now, the laugh wasn't nice... it was creepy. The kind of laugh that makes you shiver in fear. That makes you feel alone.... Then I heard it.

The raspy voice again.

"Oh, my... such a pretty thing tied up like that. My gosh, we should help her, should we not, Jane?" It mocked as it walked around me. A light turned on right on top of me and I heard footsteps with a more feminine tone walk towards me with chains rattling in the back. Jane...

I felt a hard tug on my head and what was covering it, was taken off. My eyes hurt because of the rough light that hit them so harshly. I couldn't really make out anything but one dark figure in front of me, and a smaller one in the back. The figure in front of me was the one who removed what was covering my head, since he was holding a black cloth bag.

As my eyes cleared up, I could distinguish even more the man in front of me. I focused on his face first since it was the most interesting to look at with his big scar across his face, starting near his hairline and going all the way to his jaw. He looked as if he was between his 40's, yet his voice sounded as if he was dead. He had deep blue eyes. So blue I could sink into them. I then looked at his hands which had duct tape and cuts all over them. They were dirty and bruised. Then... his feet. He wore ripped, black tennis shoes. I don't really know if they were actually black, or if they were so dirty that it looked s of they were. Anyways, his pants were ripped and frayed at the bottom. He wore a black hoodie zipped up that covered some of his face, but I still could kind of see it since there was a freaking death beam right on top of me.

This man came closer to my face as he laughed... it was him, the raspy voice. He spoke, but he didn't open his mouth. "I think it's about time I get rid of you, don't you think?"

His words rang in my head like an echo.

"Who.... are you?" I managed to say. My voice was raspy too but because I got beaten up very badly by Jane. I could barely speak, so saying those word took a lot of effort.

The man laughed, but this time he did open his mouthed. He took a step back and disappeared into thin air. His creepy, psychotic laugh surrounded my ears. I closed my eyes in fear.

"I am your worst nightmare..." the man whispered softly into my ear and disappeared again.

"I am.. The one and only..." He whispered once again on my other ear.

The man appeared right in front of me with a gruesome, disgusting smile that literally went from one ear to the other. He opened his mouth and said "I am The Mimic"

Hello hello! Well... such a looooooong time since I've wrote anything :p
I'm sorry, guys... to anyone who actually liked the story... I felt really bad because maybe there are some people who actually like it and I'm just being a piece of shit, so sorry.
I will finish this story. I promise.

Thanks for reading <3
And I hope you enjoy!

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