_Chapter4_Meeting New Friends_

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Kristoff and I walked to the front counter. He introduced me and the secretary gave me my materials I would need for the school. After that Kristoff led me to a certain hallway and I noticed a small group of people. I saw a blonde haired girl, but her hair was practically over 70 ft long! It went all the way down from the other side of the hallway. People just stepped right on it like it was something they were used to, I could see her wincing at how it hurt. Then I saw two brunette guys, one with glasses and another with a goatee. Next I noticed a girl with a wild head of red hair, she looked like someone who could dominate in sports as well. Lastly I saw a boy with snow-white hair. Just whiter than mine, and only by a little bit. He had some kind of staff or cane by his side and his eyes were such a brilliant shade of blue. I could just stand there looking at his eyes all day...

Wait, what?!? I barely know the guy, I haven't even met him! I can't already be thinking of him like that! Get yourself together Elsa! Goodness! We neared closer to them, and I could just not stop looking at the side-view of his eyes. I won't stand a chance if I see the whole thing, not to mention two of them! Grr, stop it Elsa, this is foolishness! You will put yourself back together understand! I scolded myself as we walked closer.

"Hey guys!" Kristoff said, greeting the group.

"Yo dude! What's up?" The white-haired boy said, I was behind Kristoff watching them, then I noticed the white-haired one looking at me and I shied further behind Kristoff. "Are these your friends?" I whispered quietly to him, he nodded.

"Well guys, I want you to meet someone. Els come on, they won't bite." I came out from behind Kristoff and they smiled warm greetings to me. "This is my sister Elsa, Elsa these are my friends, Jack, Punzie, Hiccup, and Merida. Oh and then there's our 'jock' friend (as he likes to call himself) " Kristoff rolled his eyes as he talked about the 'jock'. " Flynn." I guess that's the 'jock's name. "Wait where's Anna?" He then said.

"She was over there talking to her friends," the 'jack' guy answered. Kristoff searched for Anna and then when he located her in the hall his eyes brightened with glee. He ran behind her and scared her with his surprise. Kristoff's friends laughed when they saw her jump at his greeting. She looked towards them as she heard them laugh. Then her eyes swept over to me. Her face sparkled with joy as she ran towards me and tackled me.

"Hi Anna!" I exclaimed giddely. Oh I missed seeing Anna so much! She's the only one of Kristoff's friends that I really know. She's like an older sister to me.

"Elsa! I am so glad to see you! Are you ready for high school?" Anna asked me eagerly.

"Sorta... Kinda nervous. Kristoff never told me this was a school for powers. So I'm scared to show mine, I still aren't really used to showing them." I whispered to her. The others there looked at me and I guess they heard me say something about my powers. But they looked like the understood. I think.

"So Elsa, Hi. I'm Rapunzel, or Punzie as they call me. Since your Kristoff's sister, wanna hang out with us?" The blonde girl, Rapunzel, asked me.

Kristoff's friends looked at me eagerly waiting for an answer. I blushed at the attention, I'm not quite used to it. But I was joyful at the invitation. "That would be nice," I replied.

"Yay! Well looks like we're the Big Six now!" She squealed and they all laughed. Then i noticed the red-head, Merida, looking at me. She seemed to be a bit deep in thought.

"So Elsa, I'm Merida. I see you have some skill in ice skating?" Merida said.

How could she know? "Yes, but how did you know?" I replied questionilgy.

"It's one of her talents," Jack explained.

I understood, I guess, when he said that. But I was still quite confused by the whole powers and talents thing, Kristoff better explain later. "That's nice." I said. Then I happened to notice the brunette with glasses, Hiccup I believe, look at me and this Jack guy. His eyes opened very wide, I guess he was shocked by something. I noticed Kristoff looked at me and Hiccup in confusion. I keep forgetting he can hear my thoughts. I just tried to pretend I wasn't noticing.

The conversation sorta slipped from me, all I really heard was how excited they were for some kind of ceremony the freshmen and sophomores go through. But I mainly was focusing on Jack and Hiccup. Once Hiccup's eyes had widened, he immeadatley went to his phone. Then Jack's phone had beeped, I guess they were texting each other about something. I wonder what. Kristoff looked to busy in the other conversation, I doubted he could tell me. He sorta explained how he can sometimes hone in on one thought process. I think he's mainly focussing on mine right now.

"Well we better go to the auditorium to get ready for the ceremony. Wouldn't want to miss it!" Anna said happily, bringing me back into the conversation. I saw Hiccup and Jack refocus as well, I wonder what that was about.

"Yeah lets go! Oh Elsa, I can't wait to see how it goes for you! I hope I can be your sophomore buddy for this year," Rapunzel exclaimed.

"Yeah, wait what is a 'sophomore buddy'?" I asked.

"Oh, well its a partnership the school decides on after evaluating your powers or talents. This person pretty much is like your own personal tour guide and kinda like your new best friend." She replied.

"Oh, sounds like fun."

"Yeah it is, last year I got a great sophomore buddy, she was so sweet!"

"Well come on slowpokes, lets get goin!" Anna said hurriedly.

Then we headed towards the auditorium.


A/N This is actually just a sorta replay of my last chapter but through Elsa's eyes. I hope you enjoyed it. If you wouldn't mind, please tell other about my story if you like it. I will try to update quite a lot, but why do it if no one is reading XD. So please spread the word and just comment, or vote if you like. Thx!


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