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Julie and I were on our way to our first class, power and talent control. We had compared our schedules in the auditorium and found we have three of our seven classes together. My schedule was,

'Period One-Power/Talent Control:taught by Elliot Smith, vice principal

Period Two-Elective One/Book Club:Led by teacher Luna Rayelle

Period Three-History of Powers/Talent:taught by Charlotte Bridges

Period Four-Power/Talent Combat:taught by Declan Holt

--LUNCH (A)--

Period Five-Elective Two/Sport (Ice Skating):Led by teacher Ella Cole

Period Six-Power and Talent Alliances: taught by Grace Woodard

Period Seven-Power/Talent Evaluation:taught by Simon Maxwell'

Julie and I shared period one, four, and six. The entire group shared A lunch. I don't know exactly what the others schedules were though other than lunch. We were almost to our class. The school building was very large. There were five corridors on each of the two floors. So either there were many classrooms are massive. There were powers being thrown here and there by the many students lining the walls. I saw some fire on one side which made me cower slightly. Julie smiled at me and we giggled. Making Olaf giggle as well whom was holding onto my hand. I picked him up, away from the heat and we traveled farther into the corridor.

We finally reached the classroom for power and talent control. The classroom has HUGE, the ceiling reached at least twenty feet high with the walls spread out by maybe a 25 by 35 foot pattern. There was a whiteboard one wall with at most 250 chairs surrounding it, must be where he teaches us by book and not action. But the rest of the room had little glassed-in cage-type things where I guessed we practiced controlling them physically. Elliot was standing in the front where the whiteboard was. He was standing behind a podium and there were words on the board behind him. The words said 'please sit in your designated section and wait patiently for class to begin.' There was also a diagram that showed where freshmen were to sit for this period and where sophomores were to sit. Julie and I picked seats in the second row of the freshman section.

Students started to trickle in few by few. I saw Wendy enter and waved her to sit by Julie and I. She had some people with her. A girl with blond hair tied up in a bun. She was wearing a light sparkly green top and darker green short-shorts. She also had a bottle around her neck with a golden silvery dust inside. She also had a dark strawberry-blond haired boy whom was also wearing green. A green tee-shirt with dark jeans and a red feather on a string tied to his neck. They walked over to us and sat down in the chairs next to ours.

"Hey Elsa, hi Julie. This is Peter and Tinkerbell. They're my friends from Neverland."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Elsa, this is Julie, and this is Olaf," I said while Olaf ran and hugged them. We all laughed and Olaf ran back to my lap.

"Nice to meet you too. You have magic, am I correct?" Tinkerbell asked.

"Yeah, I have magic over ice and snow."

"I have little magic, but I can fly. It just takes a little of this." She said, holding the bottle. "Pixie dust, I also am part fairy so I can shrink in size and grow little wings. But I still require pixie dust to fly."

"That's cool. What do you do Peter?" I asked him.

"Oh, I am like Wendy. I believe. I also help to give children happy thoughts."

"Aww how sweet." After I said that the bell rang, signalling the start of class. We all turned and faced forward where Elliot was waiting for our attention.

"Welcome class! As you know I am Elliot. Elliot Smith. But just call me Elliot. So, welcome to Power/Talent Control. Here we will use very large amounts of power and talents. But talents will require less practice of control and more of strengthening. So, lets establish some rules first, shall we?" He grabbed a marker and went to the far side of the board.

"Rule One: Only one to two people allowed inside in each control area," he said as we wrote them on the board. "Rule Two: You must do exactly as I say. And Rule Three: No using powers or talents for harm in this classroom. Okay?" We all said yeah back to him. "Well lets start by showing you how the classroom works. Everyone follow me and I shall show you how to use these pods effectively." He started towards the many glassed-in cages and we circled around him. I was in the front of the crowd along with Julie.

"Okay, so first of all these pods, as I call them, have a special spell enacted on them that creates them impossible to break. It also can amplify your powers if they're not very powerful on their own. May I have a volunteer to show exactly how we will use these pods?" No one seemed willing, I was starting to get afraid again. I'm still not very good at controlling my powers. Elliot searched the crowd for a hand raised but there was none. He then saw me on the front row, I gulped.

"Elsa? Will you please help demonstrate for me?" I nodded a bit numbly. I walked forward and he gestured inside the pod. I walked inside and he walked with me. He flicked his hand and speakers appeared outside the pod. He looked at me and readied his mouth to speak.

"Okay, first concentrate." I did as he asked. "Let go of all thoughts. Then feel, picture your powers growing and let them reveal themselves." I could feel the slight snow softly falling from the ceiling. "Good. Now just let it all go, relax." I could feel wind picking up in the glass cage. It was swirling around me. I tried relaxing but my mind was still scared. The wind kept picking up with each worried thought that appeared in my mind, which worried me even more.

"Elsa! Relax. It is okay." He yelled, trying to calm me down. It didn't work.

"No, no its not," I said, panicking. The wind was very strong now, the snowflakes swirling at lightning speed around me. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I could now feel myself calming down, and the snow stopping.

"It's okay Elsa, this was your first try. I'm here to teach you, and I will." I nodded and mumbled a 'sorry' to him. I walked out the door and stood back next to Julie. I felt another hand on my shoulder, I turned to see Punzie behind me. She gave me a hug and I squeezed her rather tightly.

"Okay, so class. I usually will pair you with someone with equal strength and such. You will practice using all of your powers strength and then shutting it off immeadiatley. That is a true test of control. We will start working tommorow on getting to the nitty-gritty of control. That is all, you may talk amongst yourselves until the bell rings. Thank you." We-Punzie, Wendy, Peter, Tinkerbell, Jack, and Flynn(they are also in this class)- sat over by a far wall.

"That was terrible, I will never control it. I could've hurt him." I said, my voice breaking a bit as tears threatened to fall.

"Hey, c'mon buddy, you'll get it. And we'll help you through it. I could help you after-school sometimes as well if you like." Jack said, kneeling next to me.

"Yeah, if you can." I said, sniffling.

"I will. We're all here for you. Us as friends will never be seperated. We watch over each other. You'll be okay," he said reassuring me. Jack was nice. He seemed to have compassion for those in need, like a guardian. The bell rang shortly after that. We all got up and I headed to my next class. My elective, book club.


A/N just so you know, I changed cappie three a bit, and the names of the classes too a bit. Please don't be mad, its just better for me this way. So yeah. But also, this is really short. I feel bad but i needed to give you guys something. So here. Umm please give me feedback, I would like to know how this is going. I don't really have anything else to say here so bye!

Also! Please check out @Ginger963 ! She is amazing! Oh and never forget @V_Sparklez !

Well that's all! Bye sweeties! ~Daddyssweetie

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