_Chapter12_Backstories and an Old Friend?_

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The bell rang signalling the end of second period. I tried to make my way through the croud but it was no use. People just can't see me without the group because I'm too small. Guess I'll have to use the hair method, I thought to myself. I cleared my throat and started to sing softly.

"Flower gleam and glow,

Let you power shine,

Make the clock reverse,

Bring back what once was mine.

Heal what has been hurt,

Change the fates design,

Save what has been lost,

Bring back what once was mine,

What once was mine."

My hair started to glow and people finally noticed I was there. The slightly parted ways so I could get through and looked at my golden hair in awe. I smiled to myself as I walked to my next class. It always works. I thought again. I looked at my schedule once again to make sure I was headed to the right class. Yup, History of Powers/Talents. I always liked this class. It was fun for me to learn more about our hero's pasts along with their pals that use talents to benefit them. My hair finally stopped glowing and people started to clench against me again but I luckily made it into the door before I got squished.

I walked into the huge classroom and saw my friends sitting in the fifth row back. I smiled and skipped over to them. I saw Elsa and Jack sitting next to each other and felt a twinge, just a twinge, of jealousy. I know I shouldn't. I mean, I trust Jack not to cheat or anything or go out with someone else without at least giving me a clean break. I also trust Elsa, she seems really sweet. Plus, they're just buddies. Although I wonder why she didn't get a girl buddy, I mean they usually give same gender buddies to freshmen. Its probably just because of their powers. I shrugged off the thoughts and sat next to Elsa. Olaf was by her feet and playing with a flower she must've given him. I giggled a bit and smiled at Elsa. She smiled back and we started chatting while we waited for class to start.

"So, Elsie, how is your first day going?" I asked.

"Good, so far. Its nice to have friends helping me through it. What about you?" She replied back.

"Same old, same old. Being here for a year makes it easy to get used too. Although it is nice to see some of my old friends."

"I wish I had someone from middle school that I could've called a friend." Her expression turned sad for a moment and i frowned.

"Hey, its okay. You got us now." I gave her a side hug and she hugged me back. "Plus you got one of the best kids in school as your sophomore buddy."

"Aww, Punz you flatter me." Jack joined in.

"That's because I love you," I smiled before adding, "although I am the best sophomore buddy." Jack stuck his tongue out at me making Elsa and I laugh. I gave him a peck on the cheek to make up for what I said, right when the bell rang, signalling the class' start. The teacher walked in and we all quieted down. I looked one last time at the rest of my friends and smiled, glad I have them in my life.

"Welcome class, my name is Ms. Bridges. I am your history of powers and talents class. We will learn about past legends, powers and talents wielders alike. We will spend an extensive amount of time on the group called the Guardians and their pasts. But we all have personal histories as well. So i want groups of three sharing past parts of their life. Now go!" The teacher said smiling before shooing us toward our peers. I quickly linked my arms into Jack and Elsa's and pulled them into a corner of the room. We all laughed and then sat down.

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